
a package for handle api errors

v2.1 2021-05-05 12:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-05 20:13:14 UTC


a useful package for handle your exception when you are developing a API

📥 Installation

you can install this package via Composer:

composer require ffegu/laravel-api-error-handler

and after installation you can run following command to publish config files

php artisan vendor:publish --tag laravel-api-error-handler

⚙️ Configuration

for configure this package go to config/api-error-handler.php

return [  
  "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException" => "\hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Exceptions\NotFoundException",  
  "ErrorException" => "\hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Exceptions\ServerInternalException",  
  "Illuminate\Database\QueryException" => "\hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Exceptions\ServerInternalException",  
  "Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException" => "\hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Exceptions\AccessDeniedException",  
  "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException" => "\hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Exceptions\AccessDeniedException",  
  "Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException" => "\hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Exceptions\ValidationException", 

this package provide some common exception like ModelNotFound But if you want to customize it you can do like this :

return [  
  "Your Error Namespace" => "the class that handle this error",   

🚀 let this package get your Errors

go to the app\Exceptions\Handler.php and put this code:

namespace App\Exceptions;  
use hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Traits\ApiErrorHandler;  
use Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler as ExceptionHandler;  
use Throwable;  
class Handler extends ExceptionHandler  
	  use ApiErrorHandler;  
	 * A list of the exception types that are not reported. * * @var 		array  
	 protected $dontReport = [  
	 * A list of the inputs that are never flashed for validation exceptions. * * @var array  
	 protected $dontFlash = [  
	 * Register the exception handling callbacks for the application. * * @return void  
	 public function register()  
	 public function render($request, Throwable $e)  
		  return $this->handleError($this->prepareException($e));  

Make Your Own Error Handler!

if you want to make your own handler instead of using default handler you can make a class in everywhere you want but your class have to Extends hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Exceptions\ExceptionAbstract

for Example:

namespace myNamespace;  
class MyException extends ExceptionAbstract  
	  public function handleStatusCode():void  
		  $this->statusCode = 2018;  
	  public function handleMessage():void  
		  $this->message = "My Message";  

and you can do like this in config/api-error-handler.php:


return [
	"ErrorException" => "myNamespace\MyException"

❗ Notice

if an unknown Exception appeared this package automaticlly show it in the response but if you don't want that you can set APP_DEBUG to false in .env . when APP_DEBUG is false Server Internal shown in response

📜 License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

🙋 Contributing

If you find an issue, or have a better way to do something, feel free to open an issue , or a pull request.