
A PHP helper package to process static "database" content into dynamic content.

v0.2.0 2020-03-09 19:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-10 05:27:17 UTC


A PHP helper package to process static content into dynamic content.


Below are helpful examples, however if you have not setup the shortdb package before please read the Installation guide first.

This repo contains example shortcodes and useful code showing you how to use the package in your projects:


This package requires PHP 5.6+ (has not been tested on lower versions).

The package works on Windows and Linux webservers (not been tested on Mac)

To install through composer you can either use composer require ferrisbane/shortdb (while inside your project folder) or include the package in your composer.json.

"ferrisbane/shortdb": "0.1.*"

Then run either composer install or composer update to download the package.

To use the package with Laravel 5 add the ShortDB service provider to the list of service providers in config/app.php.

'providers' => [



Then use php artisan vendor:publish to publish the config.

If you have changed the namespace of your project you can define it inside config/shortdb.php

'namespace' => 'App',


Once the shortdb package has been installed on your project you will need to setup/create a shortdb class.

This shortdb class will allow the shortdb package to convert static text and process it however you want.

In laravel create a Shortcodes folder inside your app folder.

You should now have a project structure that looks like: /app/Shortcodes/

Inside the Shortcodes folder create a php file, name it on what this class will process.

For example a file named: FontAwesome.php. This Font Awesome file will allow us process font awesome icons.

You can create as many shortcode files as needed in your project.

Take a look at our example FontAwesome Shortcode: Example Shortcode (FontAwesome)

Inside the shortcode class there are variables and functions that are used to load and process the shortcode:

  • The $code variable is used to define the unique name/code of this shortcode.

  • The $description variable is currently unused but will be used to describe what this shortcode does.

  • The $arguments variable is an array of arguments the shortcode will accept, e.g. 'icon'. Inside the 'icon' argument you can define if it is required:

'icon' => [
    'required' => true
  • The process function will process the shortcode. public function process(array $arguments)

The shortdb package will pass all arguments to this function, you can now process what you require inside, once done return your processed string.

Currently the getJavascriptDescriptor and getOptions functions are unused.


Using the shortdb package is easy.

Formatting the shortcode string

First you will need a string, this can be from a database, env, config etc.

Lets say the string we have is:

$string = '{fa|icon:camera-retro}';

The shortdb package will look for shortcodes within curly brackets {} inside the passed string.

The shortcode can be anywhere within the string and you can have multiple different shortcodes, for example:

$string = 'content... {fa|icon:camera-retro} ...more content... {fa|icon:cog} ...even more content';

The shortcode allows multiple arguments, the first in the above example: fa tells the shortdb package what shortcode to use.

This is defined in the shortcode php file using the $code variable. This will need to be unique.

We can then add more arguments to the shortcode, these are split using a pipe | for example shortcodekey|argument1|argument2.

Each argument can be passed values (just like a key value pair). To pass values with the argument use a colon : for example icon:cog

This will pass an argument to your shortcode process function. You can get the value using


If we passed icon:cog in the shortcode, when calling the above inside the process function we will retrieve cog.

Processing a string

Passing the 'unprocessed' string to the below function/helper will then process into a dynamic content, in our example it will be a FontAwesome html icon tag.

For example {fa|icon:cog|spin:true} will be processed into <i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin" aria-hidden="true"></i>

Processing a FontAwesome icon is just the start, by creating your own you can process whatever you need.

For example {ip|country:name} can be processed into United Kingdom based on the connecting client ip address.

Or {price|product:my-product-slug|currency:gbp} into £100 or {price|product:another-product|currency:usd} into $259

This is useful if you want to place dynamic content (product price) within 'static' content (e.g. database content). Useful if using a text editor/wysiwyg where html or dynamic would not work.


In laravel we can pass our string to the shortdb service container instance:


Or as the package comes with a useful laravel helper function, just call the helper and pass it a string, you will then get your processed string back


Using the helper in blade:

{!! shortdb($string) !!}