
ServerPilot: the best way to run PHP websites.

2.0.2 2020-12-11 11:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-11 20:08:11 UTC


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This simple PHP API client binds to ServerPilot's RESTful API that allows you to manage ServerPilot resources. All responses return JSON objects, including errors.


You can install the bindings via Composer. Add this to your composer.json:

	"require": {
		"daverogers/serverpilot-php": "1.*"

...and then install

composer.phar install

Or you can include manually:





System users





With your API key and id from ServerPilot, set up the config values and pass them to the ServerPilot class. You may alternatively include a 'decode' => false config value if you just want the raw JSON-encoded value returned.

	$config = array(
		'id' => 'YOURID',
		'key' => 'YOURKEY'
	$sp = new ServerPilot($config);

From there, you can call any number of functions to manage your ServerPilot servers, apps, system users, databases, etc.

Catch errors

If there's a problem with any request a ServerPilotException is thrown.

You can retrieve the error message with getMessage() and the actual HTTP code with getCode().

try {
    $servers    = $sp->server_list();
} catch(ServerPilotException $e) {
    echo $e->getCode() . ': ' .$e->getMessage();


Actions are a record of work done on ServerPilot resources. These can be things like the creation of an App, deploying SSL, deleting an old Database, etc.

All methods that modify a resource will return an actionid which can be used to track the status of said action.

Possible values of an action status

        "id": "g3kiiYzxPgAjbwcY",
        "serverid": "4zGDDO2xg30yEeum",
        "status": "success",
        "datecreated": 1403138066


List all servers

$servers    = $sp->server_list();
           "id": "FqHWrrcUfRI18F0l",
            "name": "www1",
            "autoupdates": true,
            "firewall": true,
            "lastaddress": "",
            "lastconn": 1403130552,
            "datecreated": 1403130551
            "id": "4zGDDO2xg30yEeum",
            "name": "vagrant",
            "autoupdates": true,
            "firewall": true,
            "lastaddress": "",
            "lastconn": 1403130554,     
            "datecreated": 1403130553

Retrieve an existing server

$server    = $sp->server_info('SERVERID');
        "id": "UXOSIYrdtL4cSGp3",
        "name": "www2",
        "autoupdates": true,
        "firewall": true,
        "lastaddress": "",
        "lastconn": 1403130554,
        "datecreated": 1403130553

Connect a new server

Use this method to tell ServerPilot that you plan to connect a new server.

$server    = $sp->server_create('SERVERNAME');

When the request goes through successfully you should get this returned:

    "actionid": "tW2fu4hjHnsix6Rn",
        "id": "`UXOSIYrdtL4cSGp3`",
        "name": "www2",
        "autoupdates": true,  "firewall": true,
        "lastaddress": null,
        "lastconn": null,
        "datecreated": 1403130553,
        "apikey": "nqXUevYSkpW09YKy7CY7PdnL14Q1HIlAfniJZwzjqNQ"

With data.id and data.apikey you can run the serverpilot installer on the server you just registered.

$ export SERVERID=UXOSIYrdtL4cSGp3
$ export SERVERAPIKEY=nqXUevYSkpW09YKy7CY7PdnL14Q1HIlAfniJZwzjqNQ
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install wget ca-certificates && \
  sudo wget -nv -O serverpilot-installer https://download.serverpilot.io/serverpilot-installer && \
  sudo sh serverpilot-installer \
    --server-id=$SERVERID \

Update an existing server

There are 2 options you can change on each server; firewall and auto updates.

Both of these options are booleans (if you don't want to change an option you can define it as null.

$response    = $sp->server_update('SERVERID', 'FIREWALL':bool, 'AUTOUPDATES':bool);
        "id": "UXOSIYrdtL4cSGp3",
        "name": "www2",
        "autoupdates": true,
        "firewall": true,
        "lastaddress": "",
        "lastconn": 1403130554,
        "datecreated": 1403130553

Remove an existing server

$response    = $sp->server_delete('SERVERID');
  "data": {}

System users

List all system users

$systemUsers    = $sp->sysuser_list();
              "id": "PdmHhsb3fnaZ2r5f",
              "name": "serverpilot",
              "serverid": "FqHWrrcUfRI18F0l"
              "id": "RvnwAIfuENyjUVnl",
              "name": "serverpilot",
              "serverid": "4zGDDO2xg30yEeum"

Retrieve an existing system user

$systemUser    = $sp->sysuser_info('SERVERID');
        "id": "PPkfc1NECzvwiEBI",
        "name": "derek",
        "serverid": "FqHWrrcUfRI18F0l"

Create a new system user


$systemUser    = $sp->sysuser_create('SERVERID', 'NAME', 'PASSWORD');

When the request goes through successfully you should get this returned:

    "actionid": "nnpgQoNzSK11fuTe",
        "id": "PPkfc1NECzvwiEBI",
        "name": "derek",
        "serverid": "FqHWrrcUfRI18F0l"

Update an existing system user


Every parameter except for app id is optional (meaning that by providing null nothing will be changed).

$response    = $sp->sysuser_update('SERVERID', 'PASSWORD');
    "actionid": "OF42xCWkKcaX3qG2",
        "id": "RvnwAIfuENyjUVnl",
        "name": "serverpilot",
        "serverid": "4zGDDO2xg30yEeum"

Remove an existing system user

$response    = $sp->sysuser_delete('SYSUSERID');
    "actionid": "9tvygrrXZulYuizz",
    "data": {}


List all apps

$apps    = $sp->app_list();
            "id": "c77JD4gZooGjrF8K",
            "datecreated": 1403139066,
            "name": "blog",
            "sysuserid": "RvnwAIfuENyjUVnl",
            "domains": ["www.myblog.com", "blog.com"],
            "ssl": null,
            "serverid": "4zGDDO2xg30yEeum",
            "runtime": "php7.0"
            "id": "B1w7yc1tfUPQLIKS",
            "datecreated": 1403143012,
            "name": "store",
            "sysuserid": "RvnwAIfuENyjUVnl",
            "domains": ["www.mystore.com", "mystore.com"],
            "ssl": {                "key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- ...",
                "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ...",
                "cacerts": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ...",
                "auto": false,
                "force": false
            "serverid": "4zGDDO2xg30yEeum",
            "runtime": "php7.0"

Retrieve an existing app

$app    = $sp->app_info('APPID');
        "id": "UXOSIYrdtL4cSGp3",
        "name": "www2",
        "autoupdates": true,
        "firewall": true,
        "lastaddress": "",
        "lastconn": 1403130554,
        "datecreated": 1403130553

Create a new app


$app    = $sp->app_create('APPNAME', 'SYSUSERID', 'RUNTIME', 'DOMAINS', 'WORDPRESS');

When the request goes through successfully you should get this returned:

    "actionid": "dIrCNoWunW92lPjw",
            "id": "nlcN0TwdZAyNEgdp",
            "datecreated": 1403143012,
            "name": "gallery",
            "sysuserid": "RvnwAIfuENyjUVnl",
            "domains": ["www.example.com", "example.com"],
            "ssl": null,
            "serverid": "4zGDDO2xg30yEeum",
            "runtime": "php7.0"

Update an existing app


Every parameter except for app id is optional (meaning that by providing null nothing will be changed).

$response    = $sp->app_update('APPID', 'RUNTIME', 'DOMAINS');
    "actionid": "KlsNzLikw3BRvShc",
        "id": "nlcN0TwdZAyNEgdp",
        "datecreated": 1403143012,
        "name": "gallery",
        "sysuserid": "RvnwAIfuENyjUVnl",
        "domains": ["www.example.com", "example.com"],
        "ssl": null,
        "serverid": "4zGDDO2xg30yEeum",
        "runtime": "php5.6"

Remove an existing app

$response    = $sp->app_delete('APPID');
    "actionid": "88Ypexhx28Y63eyA",
    "data": {}


List all databases

$databases    = $sp->database_list();
            "id": "hdXkAZchuj27Hm1L",
            "name": "wordpress",
            "appid": "c77JD4gZooGjrF8K",
            "serverid": "4zGDDO2xg30yEeum",
            "user": {
                "id": "vt08Qz9kjOC3RVLr",
                "name": "robert"

Retrieve an existing database

$app    = $sp->database_info('DBID');
        "id": "8PV1OIAlAW3jbGmM",
        "name": "gallerydb",
        "appid": "nlcN0TwdZAyNEgdp",
        "serverid": "4zGDDO2xg30yEeum",
        "user": {
            "id": "k2HWtU33mpUsfOdA",
            "name": "arturo"

Create a new database


$app    = $sp->database_create('APPID', 'NAME', 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD');

When the request goes through successfully you should get this returned:

    "actionid": "gPFiWP9hFNUxvT70",
        "id": "8PV1OIAlAW3jbGmM",
        "name": "gallerydb",
        "appid": "nlcN0TwdZAyNEgdp",
        "serverid": "4zGDDO2xg30yEeum",
        "user": {
            "id": "k2HWtU33mpUsfOdA",
            "name": "arturo"

Update an existing database


Every parameter except for app id is optional (meaning that by providing null nothing will be changed).

$response    = $sp->database_update('DBID', 'USERID', 'PASSWORD');
    "actionid": "VfH12ukDJFv0RZAO",
        "id": "8PV1OIAlAW3jbGmM",
        "name": "gallerydb",
        "appid": "nlcN0TwdZAyNEgdp",
        "serverid": "4zGDDO2xg30yEeum",
        "user": {
            "id": "k2HWtU33mpUsfOdA",
            "name": "arturo"

Remove an existing database

$response    = $sp->database_delete('APPID');
    "actionid": "88Ypexhx28Y63eyA",
    "data": {}


Add custom SSL to an app


$ssl    = $sp->ssl_add('APPID', 'KEY', 'CERT', 'CACERTS);
    "actionid": "BzcMNZ9sdBY62vTd",
        "key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
        "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE-----",
        "cacerts": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE-----"

Remove custom SSL from an app

$ssl    = $sp->ssl_delete('APPID');

Enable AutoSSL for an app

AutoSSL can only be enabled when an AutoSSL certificate is available for an app.

Additionally, AutoSSL cannot be enabled when an app currently has a custom SSL certificate. To enable AutoSSL when an app is already using a custom SSL, first delete the app's custom SSL certificate.

Note that disabling AutoSSL is not done through this API call but instead is done by deleting SSL from the app.

$ssl    = $sp->ssl_auto('APPID');

Force SSL redirect for an app

orceSSL can only be enabled when an app already has SSL enabled.

You cannot enable ForceSSL at the same time as adding a custom SSL certificate or enabling AutoSSL.

$ssl    = $sp->ssl_force('APPID', 'FORCE':bool);


ServerPilot site: https://serverpilot.io/

ServerPilot's API doc: https://github.com/ServerPilot/API

This project's Packagist link: https://packagist.org/packages/daverogers/serverpilot-php

Getting started with Composer: https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md

If this isn't your style, check out James West's PHP lib here: https://github.com/jameswestnz/ServerPilot-API-PHP-Wrapper