
PHP collection of enums and basic utilities for HTTP

v1.0.1 2021-07-06 21:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-07 04:38:22 UTC


This library is a very simple collection of a few classes to facilitate handling HTTP requests.


Available as composer package femastudios/http-utils. PHP 7.3 or greater required.

Contents & Usage


Very base classes. Enumerators are declared using the femastudios/enums library.

  • HttpRequestMethod: enumerator that defines the common request methods (GET, POST, etc.). They also have some properties (e.g. is cachable)
  • HttpResponseCode: enumerator that defines the common response codes (SUCCESS, NOT_FOUND, FORBIDDEN, etc.). They have the numerical code and the standard message.
  • HttpResponseCodeType: enumerator that defines the type of a response code (i.e. INFORMATIONAL, SUCCESSFUL, REDIRECTION, CLIENT_ERROR and SERVER_ERROR)
  • HttpException: exception class that wraps an HttpResponseCode enum, useful to bubble up an HTTP response code that need to be handled at a higher level.

Header utils

These utilities allow to better handle request and response HTTP headers.

  • RequestHeaderUtils: contains functions to read the headers sent by the requester (even in a context that does not define getallheaders(), like FPM).
  • ResponseHeaderUtils: contains functions to add and read headers to be sent, also with support of comma-separated values (that can be added in different calls).

Example usage:

RequestHeaderUtils::get('Content-Type', 'none'); // Get the header, or default value

ResponseHeaderUtils::put('Content-Type', 'application/json'); // Put the header or throws if they have already been sent
ResponseHeaderUtils::addCsv('Vary', 'Origin'); // Treats the header value as a comma-separated value and adds "Origin"

Uploaded files utils

Here we have utilities that help handling file uploads. The main reason for this utility is:

  1. Handle the errors with an exception;
  2. Untangle the mess that is the $_FILES array when the param name is nested (e.g. user[info][avatar]). For more on this see the doc of UploadedFilesUtils::getReorderedFiles().

The classes are:

  • UploadedFile: class that contains the info on a single uploaded file (e.g. name, size, etc.)
  • UploadedFileException: exception thrown when an error uploading a file is detected. It cotains the error code and a description of the error as message.
  • UploadedFilesUtils: contains static functions to retrieve the uploaded files

Example usage:

$uf = UploadedFilesUtils::getUploadedFile('user', 'info', 'avatar'); // Returns an UploadedFile or throws UploadedFileException
$uf->getTmpName(); // Return the file temp filename (e.g. /tmp/php1324.tmp)