
The Api Colombia PHP Client.

1.0.5 2023-05-29 19:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-28 07:44:39 UTC


use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();

// Get all departments
$departments = $client->departments()->all();

foreach ($departments as $department) {
    echo $department->name;

Api Colombia PHP is a PHP API client that lets you easily interact with the Api Colombia.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Requires PHP 8.2+


First, install the package via the Composer package manager:

composer require felipeva/api-colombia-php

Then, you're ready to start using the package:

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();

// Get all cities
$cities = $client->cities()->all();

foreach ($cities as $city) {
    echo $city->name;

// Get all departments
$departments = $client->departments()->all();

foreach ($departments as $department) {
    echo $department->name;


Country Resource


Retrieves general information about Colombia.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$country = $client->countries()->get('Colombia');

// Returns a Country object
$country->name; // Colombia
// ...

Region Resource


Retrieves all regions in Colombia.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$regions = $client->regions()->all();

// Returns a Listed object of Region objects
foreach ($regions->data as $region) {
    $region->departments; // Array of Department objects
    // ...


Retrieves a region by its id.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$region = $client->regions()->get(1);

// Returns a Region object
$region->departments; // Array of Department objects


Retrieves all departments in a region.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$regionDepartments = $client->regions()->departments(1);

// Returns a Listed object of Department objects
foreach ($regionDepartments->data as $department) {
    $department->cities; // Array of City objects
    // ...

Department Resource


Retrieves all departments in Colombia.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$departments = $client->departments()->all();

// Returns a Listed object of Department objects
foreach ($departments->data as $department) {
    $department->cities; // Array of City objects
    // ...


Retrieves a department by its id.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$department = $client->departments()->get(1);

// Returns a Department object
$department->cities; // Array of City objects


Retrieves all cities in a department.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$departmentCities = $client->departments()->cities(1);

// Returns a Listed object of City objects
foreach ($departmentCities->data as $city) {
    $city->department; // Department object
    // ...


Retrieves all natural areas in a department.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$departmentNaturalAreas = $client->departments()->naturalAreas(1);

// Returns a Listed object of NaturalArea objects
foreach ($departmentNaturalAreas->data as $naturalArea) {
    $naturalArea->department; // Department object
    // ...


Retrieves all tourist attractions in a department.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$departmentTouristAttractions = $client->departments()->touristAttractions(1);

// Returns a Listed object of TouristAttraction objects
foreach ($departmentTouristAttractions->data as $touristAttraction) {
    $touristAttraction->city; // City object
    // ...


Retrieves a department by its name.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$department = $client->departments()->getByName('Antioquia');

// Returns a Listed object of Department objects
foreach ($department->data as $department) {
    $department->cities; // Array of City objects
    // ...


Searches for departments by the following fields: Name, Description, PhonePrefix.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$departments = $client->departments()->search('Antioquia');

// Returns a Listed object of Department objects
foreach ($departments->data as $department) {
    $department->cities; // Array of City objects
    // ...


Retrieves a paged list of departments.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$departments = $client->departments()->paged(page: 1, pageSize: 10);

$departments->page; // 1
$departments->pageSize; // 10
$departments->totalRecords; // number of records

// Returns a Paged object of Department objects
foreach ($departments->data as $department) {
    // ...

City Resource


Retrieves all cities in Colombia.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$cities = $client->cities()->all();

// Returns a Listed object of City objects
foreach ($cities->data as $city) {
    $city->department; // Department object
    // ...


Retrieves a city by its id.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$city = $client->cities()->get(1);

// Returns a City object
// ...


Retrieves a city by its name.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$city = $client->cities()->getByName('Medellín');

// Returns a Listed object of City objects
foreach ($city->data as $city) {
    // ...


Searches for cities by the following fields: Name, Description, PostalCode.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$cities = $client->cities()->search('Medellín');

// Returns a Listed object of City objects
foreach ($cities->data as $city) {
    // ...


Retrieves a paged list of cities.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$cities = $client->cities()->paged(page: 1, pageSize: 10);

$cities->page; // 1
$cities->pageSize; // 10
$cities->totalRecords; // number of records

// Returns a Paged object of City objects
foreach ($cities->data as $city) {
    // ...

President Resource


Retrieves all presidents in Colombia.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$presidents = $client->presidents()->all();

// Returns a Listed object of President objects
foreach ($presidents->data as $president) {
    // ...


Retrieves a president by its id.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$president = $client->presidents()->get(1);

// Returns a President object
// ...


Retrieves a president by its name.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$president = $client->presidents()->getByName('Gustavo Petro');

// Returns a Listed object of President objects
foreach ($president->data as $president) {
    // ...


Retrieves a president by its year.

To be implemented..


Searches for presidents by the following fields: Name, Description, PoliticalParty,LastName

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$presidents = $client->presidents()->search('Gustavo Petro');

// Returns a Listed object of President objects
foreach ($presidents->data as $president) {
    // ...


Retrieves a paged list of presidents.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$presidents = $client->presidents()->paged(page: 1, pageSize: 10);

$presidents->page; // 1
$presidents->pageSize; // 10
$presidents->totalRecords; // number of records

// Returns a Paged object of President objects
foreach ($presidents->data as $president) {
    // ...

Tourist Attraction Resource


Retrieves all touristic attractions in Colombia.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$touristicAttractions = $client->touristAttractions()->all();

// Returns a Listed object of TouristicAttraction objects
foreach ($touristicAttractions->data as $touristicAttraction) {
    $touristicAttraction->city; // City object
    // ...


Retrieves a touristic attraction by its id.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$touristicAttraction = $client->touristAttractions()->get(1);

// Returns a TouristicAttraction object
$touristicAttraction->city; // City object
// ...


Retrieves a touristic attraction by its name.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$touristicAttraction = $client->touristAttractions()->getByName('Catedral de Sal de Zipaquirá');

// Returns a Listed object of TouristicAttraction objects
foreach ($touristicAttraction->data as $touristicAttraction) {
    $touristicAttraction->city; // City object
    // ...


Searches for touristic attractions by the following fields: Name, Description,LastName,Latitude, Longitude

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$touristicAttractions = $client->touristAttractions()->search('Catedral de Sal de Zipaquirá');

// Returns a Listed object of TouristicAttraction objects
foreach ($touristicAttractions->data as $touristicAttraction) {
    $touristicAttraction->city; // City object
    // ...


Retrieves a paged list of touristic attractions.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$touristicAttractions = $client->touristAttractions()->paged(page: 1, pageSize: 10);

$touristicAttractions->page; // 1
$touristicAttractions->pageSize; // 10
$touristicAttractions->totalRecords; // number of records

// Returns a Paged object of TouristicAttraction objects
foreach ($touristicAttractions->data as $touristicAttraction) {
    $touristicAttraction->city; // City object
    // ...

Category Natural Area Resource


Retrieves all categories of natural areas in Colombia.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$categoriesNaturalArea = $client->categoryNaturalAreas()->all();

// Returns a Listed object of CategoryNaturalArea objects
foreach ($categoriesNaturalArea->data as $categoryNaturalArea) {
    $categoryNaturalArea->naturalAreas; // array of NaturalArea objects
    // ...


Retrieves a category of natural areas by its id.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$categoryNaturalArea = $client->categoryNaturalAreas()->get(1);

// Returns a CategoryNaturalArea object
$categoryNaturalArea->naturalAreas; // array of NaturalArea objects
// ...


Retrieves all natural areas of a category by its id.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$naturalAreas = $client->categoryNaturalAreas()->naturalAreas(1);

// Returns a Listed object of NaturalArea objects
foreach ($naturalAreas->data as $naturalArea) {
    $naturalArea->categoryNaturalArea; // CategoryNaturalArea object
    // ...

Natural Area Resource


Retrieves all natural areas in Colombia.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$naturalAreas = $client->naturalAreas()->all();

// Returns a Listed object of NaturalArea objects
foreach ($naturalAreas->data as $naturalArea) {
    $naturalArea->categoryNaturalArea; // CategoryNaturalArea object
    // ...


Retrieves a natural area by its id.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$naturalArea = $client->naturalAreas()->get(1);

// Returns a NaturalArea object
$naturalArea->categoryNaturalArea; // CategoryNaturalArea object
// ...


Retrieves a natural area by its name.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$naturalArea = $client->naturalAreas()->getByName('Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona');

// Returns a Listed object of NaturalArea objects
foreach ($naturalArea->data as $naturalArea) {
    $naturalArea->categoryNaturalArea; // CategoryNaturalArea object
    // ...


Searches for natural areas by the following fields: Name, Description,LastName,Latitude, Longitude

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$naturalAreas = $client->naturalAreas()->search('Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona');

// Returns a Listed object of NaturalArea objects
foreach ($naturalAreas->data as $naturalArea) {
    $naturalArea->categoryNaturalArea; // CategoryNaturalArea object
    // ...


Retrieves a paged list of natural areas.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$naturalAreas = $client->naturalAreas()->paged(page: 1, pageSize: 10);

$naturalAreas->page; // 1
$naturalAreas->pageSize; // 10
$naturalAreas->totalRecords; // number of records

// Returns a Paged object of NaturalArea objects
foreach ($naturalAreas->data as $naturalArea) {
    $naturalArea->categoryNaturalArea; // CategoryNaturalArea object
    // ...

Map Resource


Retrieves all maps in Colombia.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$maps = $client->maps()->all();

// Returns a Listed object of Map objects
foreach ($maps->data as $map) {
    // ...


Retrieves a map by its id.

use FelipeVa\ApiColombia\ApiColombia;

$client = ApiColombia::client();
$map = $client->maps()->get(1);

// Returns a Map object
// ...