
This package allow you to convert csd to required pem files

1.1 2018-08-08 06:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-20 06:01:09 UTC


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The feimx/csd_converter package provide a simple way for create .pem files for your CSD's.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require feimx/csd_converter


Firt need create a new instance of CsdConverter:

$converter = new FeiMx\Csd\CsdConverter();
echo $converter->serial_number();

Thats all, now you can access the cer info and save the news files to given path

echo $converter->serial_number;
echo $converter->tax_id;
echo $converter->valid_from; // instance of Carbon
echo $converter->valid_to; // instance of Carbon
echo $converter->getStatus();

valid_from and valid_to are instances of Carbon, so you can modify and format the dates:

echo $converter->valid_from->format('d/m/Y h:i a');
echo $converter->valid_to->format('d/m/Y h:i a');

getStatus() returns a expired, valid or invalid status:

if($converter->getStatus() === CsdConverter::VALID){}
if($converter->getStatus() === CsdConverter::INVALID){}
if($converter->getStatus() === CsdConverter::EXPIRED){}

You can verify if the files are a valid CSD:

var_dump($converter->isValidCsd()); // true or false

Now you can save the created files to a given path and assigne a optional filename:

$path = __DIR__.'/temp/';
$filename = 'VALIDCSD';
$converter->save($path, $filename);
//this create 4 files:

And last, but not less important, you can encryp the converted key into des3:

$file = __DIR__.'/temp/VALIDCSD.key.pem';
$password = 'secret';
$converter->encryptKey($file, $password);

Note: This is very useful with third party provider such as Finkok for stamp the CFDI


composer test


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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email yorch@feimexico.com.mx instead of using the issue tracker.


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