
Php sdk of Feexpay - Online payment solution by credit card and mobile money"

dev-foxinnovs-patch-1 2023-08-09 00:00 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-09 22:02:38 UTC


Note: Replace Feexpay LOUGBEGNON https://feexpay.me contact@feexpay.me Feexpay FeexpayPhp Php sdk of Feexpay - Online payment solution by credit card and mobile money with their correct values in README.md, CHANGELOG.md, CONTRIBUTING.md, LICENSE.md and composer.json files, then delete this line. You can run $ php prefill.php in the command line to make all replacements at once. Delete the file prefill.php as well.

This is where your description should go. Try and limit it to a paragraph or two, and maybe throw in a mention of what PSRs you support to avoid any confusion with users and contributors.

Feexpay SDK PHP Project - User Guide

This guide explains how to use the Feexpay PHP SDK to easily integrate mobile and card payment methods into your PHP or Laravel application. Follow these steps to get started:


  1. Install a local server like Xampp or Wamp etc ...

  2. Install Composer if not already done.

  3. Check that Composer is installed by running the following command:

    composer --version

Usage in a Simple PHP Environment

  1. Create your PHP project.

  2. Download the Git repository by opening your terminal and running the following command:

    git clone https://github.com/foxinnovs/feexpay-sdk-php.git
  3. Create a PHP file, for example, index.php.

  4. Use the SDK methods in your PHP file:

    include 'src/FeexpayClass.php'; 
    $skeleton = new Feexpay\FeexpayPhp\FeexpayClass("shop's id", "token key API", "callback_url", "mode (LIVE, SANDBOX)");
    // Using the mobile network payment method (MTN, MOOV)
    $response = $skeleton->paiementLocal("amount", "phone_number", "network (MTN, MOOV)", "Jon Doe", "jondoe@gmail.com");
    $status = $skeleton->getPaiementStatus($response);
    // Using the card payment method (VISA, MASTERCARD)
    $responseCard = $skeleton->paiementCard("amount", "phoneNumber(66000000)", "typeCard (VISA, MASTERCARD)", "Jon", "Doe", "jondoe@gmail.com", "country(Benin)", "address(Cotonou)", "district(Littoral)", "currency(XOF, USD, EUR)");
    $redirectUrl = $responseCard["url"];
    header("Location: $redirectUrl");
  5. You can also integrate a payment button in your PHP page:

    include 'src/FeexpayClass.php'; 
    $price = 50;
    $id = "shop's id";
    $token = "token key API";
    $callback_url = 'https://www.google.com';
    $mode = 'LIVE';
    $feexpayclass = new Feexpay\FeexpayPhp\FeexpayClass($id, $token, $callback_url, $mode);
    $result = $feexpayclass->init($price, "button_payee");
    <div id='button_payee'></div>

Usage with Laravel

  1. In a Laravel project, run the following command to install the Feexpay package:

    composer require feexpayme/feexpay-sdk-php
  2. Create a route in your web.php file:

    Route::controller(YourController::class)->group(function () {
        Route::get('feexpay', 'feexpay')->name('feexpay');
  3. Create a controller, for example, YourController.php, and use the Feexpay SDK inside this controller to handle payments:

    namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use Feexpay\FeexpayPhp\FeexpayClass;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    class YourController extends Controller
        public function feexpay()
             // Using the card payment method (VISA, MASTERCARD)
            $skeleton = new FeexpayClass("shop's id", "token key API", "callback_url", "mode (LIVE, SANDBOX)");
            $responseCard = $skeleton->paiementCard("amount", "phoneNumber(66000000)", "typeCard (VISA, MASTERCARD)", "Jon", "Doe", "jondoe@gmail.com", "country(Benin)", "address(Cotonou)", "district(Littoral)", "currency(XOF, USD, EUR)");
            $redirectUrl = $responseCard["url"];
            return redirect()->away($redirectUrl);
            // Using the mobile network payment method (MTN, MOOV)
             $skeleton = new FeexpayClass("shop's id", "token key API", "callback_url", "mode (LIVE, SANDBOX)");
             $response = $skeleton->paiementCard("amount", "phone_number", "network (MTN, MOOV)", "Jon Doe","jondoe@gmail.com");
             $status = $skeleton->getPaiementStatus($response);



namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Feexpay\FeexpayPhp\FeexpayClass;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class YourController extends Controller
    public function feexpay()


     // Using the card payment method (VISA, MASTERCARD)

        $skeleton = new FeexpayClass("shop's id", "token key API", "callback_url", "mode (LIVE, SANDBOX)");
         $responseCard = $skeleton->paiementCard("amount", "phoneNumber(66000000)", "typeCard (VISA, MASTERCARD)", "Jon", "Doe", "jondoe@gmail.com", "country(Benin)", "address(Cotonou)", "district(Littoral)", "currency(XOF, USD, EUR)");

         // Display response structure for debugging purposes

         // Check for the presence of the "url" key
         if (isset($responseCard["url"])) {
             $redirectUrl = $responseCard["url"];
             return redirect()->away($redirectUrl);
         } else {
             // Handle the case where "url" is not present in the response
             return response("Erreur de réponse de paiement")->setStatusCode(500);
  1. Integrate the Feexpay button in a view, for example, welcome.blade.php:

creating a route:

Route::controller(YourController::class)->group(function () {
    Route::get('payment', 'payment')->name('payment') ;
}) ;

create a controller, example YourController.php

here's the code:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Feexpay\FeexpayPhp\FeexpayClass;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class YourController extends Controller

  public function payment()
         $data['price']          =  $price = 50;
         $data['id']             =  $id= "shop's id";
         $data['token']          =  $token= "token key API";
         $data['callback_url']   =  $callback_url= 'https://www.google.com';
         $data['mode']           =  $mode='LIVE';
         $data['feexpayclass']   =  $feexpayclass = new FeexpayClass($id, $token, $callback_url, $mode);
         $data['result']         =  $result = $feexpayclass->init($price, "button_payee");

         return view('welcome', $data);



make sure you have your views file for our example is welcome.blade.php

here's the code:

<div id='button_payee'></div>
  1. You can now access the URL defined in the route to perform payments using Feexpay.

Note: Replace Feexpay LOUGBEGNON https://feexpay.me contact@feexpay.me Feexpay FeexpayPhp Php sdk of Feexpay - Online payment solution by credit card and mobile money with their correct values in README.md, CHANGELOG.md, CONTRIBUTING.md, LICENSE.md and composer.json files, then delete this line. You can run $ php prefill.php in the command line to make all replacements at once. Delete the file prefill.php as well.

This is where your description should go. Try and limit it to a paragraph or two, and maybe throw in a mention of what PSRs you support to avoid any confusion with users and contributors.

Make sure to adapt values like "shop's id", "token key API", addresses, amounts, and other details according to your own configuration and needs.