
Laravel SDK for FeaturIT

v0.11 2025-01-17 11:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 11:35:42 UTC


Laravel wrapper of the PHP client for the FeaturIT Feature Flag management platform.


This package aims to simplify the integration of the FeaturIT API in a Laravel project.

Getting started


  • PHP >= 8.0.2
  • laravel/framework >= 5.1
  • psr/http-client-implementation
  • psr/simple-cache-implementation


composer require featurit/featurit-sdk-laravel

If there's no package providing psr/http-client-implementation, visit https://packagist.org/providers/psr/http-client-implementation and choose the package that better suits your project.

If there's no package providing psr/simple-cache-implementation, visit https://packagist.org/providers/psr/simple-cache-implementation and choose the package that better suits your project.

Inside your config/app.php file, in the providers array add:

         * Package Service Providers...


If you want to publish the default configuration file in order to customize things like the default FeaturitUserContextProvider, use the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Featurit\Client\Laravel\FeaturitServiceProvider"

Basic Usage

That's how you would use Featurit in one of your controllers, services, or anywhere inside your PHP codebase:

if (Featurit::isActive('YOUR_FEATURE_NAME')) {

Or in order to check which is the version of your feature:

if (Featurit::version('YOUR_FEATURE_NAME') == 'v1') {
} else if (Featurit::version('YOUR_FEATURE_NAME') == 'v2') {

Blade directives

For convenience we provide 3 blade directives which allow to load blade components depending on the Feature Flag values.

Inside your blade template, you can use them like this:

    <h2>This code will always be visible</h2>

        <h2>This will be visible</h2>

        <h2>This will NOT be visible</h2>
    @ifFeatureVersionEquals('FEATURE_WITH_VERSIONS', 'v1')
        <h2>Welcome to v1!</h2>
    @ifFeatureVersionEquals('FEATURE_WITH_VERSIONS', 'v2')
        <h2>Welcome to v2!</h2>

Defining your FeaturitUserContext

In order to show different versions of a feature to different users, Featurit needs to know about the attributes your user has in a certain context.

You can define the context using the as follows:

$contextData = get_your_user_context_data();

    new DefaultFeaturitUserContext(
            'role' => $contextData['role'],

Defining a custom FeaturitUserContextProvider

This is an alternative to using Featurit::setUserContext(...);.

By default, Featurit SDK for Laravel comes with a default FeaturitUserContextProvider in your config/featurit.php file

'featurit_user_context_provider' => Featurit\Client\Laravel\Providers\LaravelFeaturitUserContextProvider::class,

But you can create your own implementation in order to add custom attributes so they can be used in the segmentation process.

Let's say that your platform users have a "role" attribute that you use to decide which features you show to each user. In that case you could create an implementation like:


namespace My\Namespace\Of\Choice;

use Featurit\Client\Modules\Segmentation\DefaultFeaturitUserContext;
use Featurit\Client\Modules\Segmentation\FeaturitUserContext;
use Featurit\Client\Modules\Segmentation\FeaturitUserContextProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

class MyCustomFeaturitUserContextProvider implements FeaturitUserContextProvider
    public function getUserContext(): FeaturitUserContext
        if (! Auth::check()) {
            return new DefaultFeaturitUserContext(
                    'role' => 'Guest',

        $user = Auth::user();

        $userId = $user->getAuthIdentifier();
        $sessionId = session()->getId();
        $ipAddress = request()->ip();
        $role = $user->role;

        return new DefaultFeaturitUserContext(
                'role' => $role,

Then you must replace your implementation in the config/featurit.php file

'featurit_user_context_provider' => My\Namespace\Of\Choice\MyCustomFeaturitUserContextProvider::class,

And that should do it, from now on your segmentation rules will use the role attribute.

Event Tracking

In order to track some event in your application, you can add this once the event has happened:

Featurit::track('EVENT_NAME', [
    'some_property_name' => 'some_property_value',
    'another_property_name' => 'another_property_value',

In order to attack some person profile with your events, you can do so by calling the trackPerson() method before tracking any event.


All the events and people you track in the same request will be accumulated and associated to the current FeaturitUserContext, if for some reason you want to send the event immediately, you can do as follows:




