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PHP library for handling sessions

v1.0 2020-03-27 03:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 14:53:37 UTC


PHP library for handling cookies


See in packagist


with composer

composer require fatkulnurk/cookies


Custom cookie with options:

calling all methods is not needed, just use as necessary and end by calling the save () method;

(new Cookie('name'))
    // string|null the domain that the cookie will be valid for (including subdomains) or `null` for the current host (excluding subdomains)
    //  bool indicates that the cookie should be accessible through the HTTP protocol only and not through scripting languages
    //int the Unix timestamp indicating the time that the cookie will expire at, i.e. usually `time() + $seconds`
    ->setExpiryTime(time() + 360000) // or ->setMaxAge(36000) without time()
    // @var string the path on the server that the cookie will be valid for (including all sub-directories), e.g. an empty string for the current directory or `/` for the root directory */
    // bool indicates that the cookie should be sent back by the client over secure HTTPS connections only
    // mixed|null the value of the cookie that will be stored on the client's machine
    ->setValue('fatkul nur koirudin')
    // save

Add value to a cookie:

Cookie::set('name', 'Fatkul Nur Koirudin');

// same with

Cookie::setCookie('name', 'Fatkul Nur Koirudin');

Return the cookies value by key:


Destroys Cookie:

by default cookie can't destroy, cookie will be change to empty value.


// same with

Cookie::set('name', '');