
laravel migration suffixed tables

v0.1.1 2022-03-04 17:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 14:09:37 UTC


Laravel Suffix


  1. Run composer command to install the package
composer require fatihirday/suffix
  1. Publish the config and migration files.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Fatihirday\Suffixed\SuffixServiceProvier"
  • Response
* config/suffixed.php
* migrations/*_create_suffixes_table.php
  1. To use the suffix list in the package
php artisan migrate

If you are going to use your own list, you can delete the file migrations/*_create_suffixes_table.php


  1. Config suffixed File
return [
    'suffixes' => [
        'table' => \Fatihirday\Suffixed\Models\Suffix::class,
        'column' => 'code',
        'auto_create_suffixed_tables' => true,

    'suffix_auto_check' => true,

    'merge_operator' => '_',

    'suffix_max_length' => 3,
Config Des
suffixes.table suffix list table
suffixes.code suffix column
suffixes.auto_create_suffixed_tables Automatically create suffixes tables when new record is added to suffixes.table table
suffix_auto_check When it wants to work on the attached table, it automatically checks the table.
merge_operator table name and suffix merge operator
suffix_max_length suffix max length. use `null to be unlimited
  1. Suffix Model
class Suffix extends Model
    use HasFactory, SuffixList;

use SuffixList; for custom model.


Make migration

1. Insert row to suffixes table

php artisan tinker
$row = new \Fatihirday\Suffixed\Models\Suffix();
$row->name = 'Fatih';
$row->code = 'fth';

2. Make migration suffixed

php artisan make:migration-suffix CreateDemoTable
class CreateDenemeTable  extends SuffixMigration implements SuffixSchame
    protected $baseTableName = 'demo';

    public function upSuffix(string $tableName)
        Schema::create($tableName, function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->string('name', 30);

    public function downSuffix(string $tableName)

3. Run the migrate

php artisan migrate

Created table demo_fth

4. Make Model

Use Suffixed in your model to access suffixed tables

class Demo extends Model
    use HasFactory, Suffixed;

Use of suffix table

Check suffixed table

// Response : true || false

Set suffix code

// Response : "select * from `demo_fth`"

Get suffixed table name

// Response : "demo_fth"

Get suffixed table suffix code

// Response : "fth"

example query

// insert row to demo_fth table
$newRow = App\Models\Demo::setSuffixCode('fth');
$newRow->name = 'deneme';

// get rows to demo_fth table