
FastyBird IoT user interface node for additional user specific visualisation

dev-master 2020-12-22 10:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 21:10:56 UTC


Build Status Code coverage PHP Licence Downloads total Latest stable PHPStan

What is FastyBird user interface node?

User interface node is a microservice for managing user interface, creating visualisations and storing user interfaces presset for web and mobile app clients.

FastyBird user interface node is an Apache2 licensed distributed microservice, developed in PHP with Nette framework.


FastyBird user interface node is tested against PHP 7.4 and ReactPHP http 0.8 event-driven, streaming plaintext HTTP server

Getting started

NOTE: If you don't want to install it manually, try docker image

The best way to install fastybird/ui-node is using Composer. If you don't have Composer yet, download it following the instructions. Then use command:

$ composer create-project --no-dev fastybird/ui-node path/to/install
$ cd path/to/install

Everything required will be then installed in the provided folder path/to/install

This microservice has one console command.

HTTP & WS server
$ vendor/bin/fb-console fb:web-server:start

This command is to start build in web server which is listening for incoming http api request messages from clients and is listening for new data from exchange bus from other microservices.

Install with docker

Docker Image Version (latest by date) Docker Image Size (latest by date) Docker Cloud Build Status

Docker image: fastybird/ui-node

Use docker hub image

$ docker run -d -it --name devices fastybird/ui-node:latest

Generate local image

$ docker build --tag=ui-node .
$ docker run -d -it --name ui-node ui-node


This microservices is preconfigured for default connections, but your infrastructure could be different.

Configuration could be made via environment variables:

NOTE: In case you are not using docker image or you are not able to configure environment variables, you could edit configuration file ./config/default.neon


This microservice is using database, so database have to be initialise with basic database schema. It could be done via shell command:

$ php vendor/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:create

After this steps, microservice could be started with server command


Use the issue tracker for bugs or mail or Tweet us for any idea that can improve the project.

Thank you for testing, reporting and contributing.


For release info check release page


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