
dev-main 2023-01-11 09:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-23 13:56:19 UTC


This package aim to simplify the use of the SAFLAN API by providing a set of classes and functions to interact with the API.


Before using this package, you need to have a valid API login and password. You also need to have theses requirements installed:

  • PHP 7.4 or higher
  • composer
  • ext-json
  • ext-curl


You can install the package using composer:

composer require faso-dev/saflan-sdk


When you have installed the package, you can use it in your code:

	require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
	use FasoDev\SaflanSdk\Saflan\Config\Config;
	use FasoDev\SaflanSdk\Saflan\Config\DataCode;
	use FasoDev\SaflanSdk\Saflan\Credentials\Credentials;
	use FasoDev\SaflanSdk\Saflan\SaflanClient;
	$config = Config::auth(new Credentials('username', 'password'))
	$saflan = SaflanClient::loadConfig($config);
	$creditResponse = $saflan->credit()->chargeWithStandard(1000, ['702000000', '702000001']);
	$mobileMoneyCreditDataResponse = $saflan->credit()->chargeWithMobileMoney(1000, ['702000000', '702000001']);
	$mobileDataResponse = $saflan->mobileData()->charge(DataCode::MOOV_PROMO_10Go_9500F_30JRS, ['702000000', '702000001']);
	$transactionStatusReponse = $saflan->transaction()->checkStatus('p20220609.478');
  • The Credentials class is used to store your API login and password.

  • The Config class is used to configure the client such as defining the credentials, the base endpoint, the timeout, the SSL verification and more.

  • The SaflanClient class is used to load the configuration and to interact with the API. So we have 3 endpoints methods: credit(), mobileData() and transaction().

  • The credit() endpoint method is used to interact with the credit REST API to buy credit for a given numbers.

  • The mobileData() endpoint method is used to interact with the mobile data REST API to buy mobile data for a given numbers.

  • The transaction() endpoint method is used to interact with the transaction REST API to check the status of a given transaction.

  • The DataCode class is used to define the data code for the mobile data.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



