
Vandar Responder Laravel Packagee

2.0.1 2022-12-18 07:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-06 12:35:39 UTC




composer require farshidrezaei/vandar-responder

you must publish config and languages files:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="FarshidRezaei\VandarResponder\Providers\ResponderServiceProvider" --tag="config"

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="FarshidRezaei\VandarResponder\Providers\ResponderServiceProvider" --tag="language"

after publish config file you can customize string errors. string errors will use in failure responses.

you can access errors like bellow:


you can access translation like bellow:



Signatures of methods:

Responder::success(?string $message = null, mixed $data = null): Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse

Responder::successResourceCollection(null|string $message = null, Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\AnonymousResourceCollection $data) :lluminate\Http\Resources\Json\AnonymousResourceCollection

Responder::failure(int $errorCode, string $stringErrorCode, null|string $message = null, array|null $errors = [], array|null $data = []): Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse

Here's a quick example:

You can use function added macro on response class:

// php 8
return response()->failure(
            errorCode: Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,// 500
            stringErrorCode: config('responder.errors.INTERNAL_ERROR'),
            message: "Service isn't available now. try again later.",

Or call function from facade directly:

use FarshidRezaei\VandarResponder\Services\Responder;

// php 8
 return Responder::failure(
            errorCode: Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,// 500
            stringErrorCode: config('responder.errors.INTERNAL_ERROR'),
            message: "Service isn't available now. try again later.",

// php 7.4
 return Responder::failure(
            Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,// 500
            "Service isn't available now. try again later.",

And you will get bellow response:

  "message": "Service isn't available now. try again later.",
  "code": "internal_error",
  "data": {

Also you can use responder() helper function :

// php 8
 return responder()->success(
                message:"User Info",
                data: [
                    "Position"=>"Full-Stack Web Developer"

and you will get bellow response:

    "message": "User Info",
    "data": {
        "name": "Farshid",
        "company": "Vandar",
        "Position": "Full-Stack Web Developer"

if you want to respond laravel ResourceCollection do like bellow:

// php 8
    return Responder::successResourceCollection(
        message: 'User List.',
        data: USerResource::collection($users)

Api Exception Handler

To standardize the responses, the exceptions must also follow vandar standards. laravel has itself rules to show response of exceptions. with this feature of this package you can customize every laravel exceptions.

for use this feature please add bellow code to render() function in app/Exceptions/Handler.php:

    public function render($request, Throwable $e): \Illuminate\Http\Response|JsonResponse|Response
        if ($request->expectsJson() && $exceptionResponse = ApiExceptionHandler::handle($e)) {
            return $exceptionResponse;
        return parent::render($request, $e);

we handle and customize some exceptions. after publish configs, you can see it in config/responder.php as customExceptions key:

  'customExceptions' => [
        RuntimeException::class => CustomDefaultException::class,
        Exception::class => CustomDefaultException::class,
        ValidationException::class => CustomValidationException::class,
        NotFoundHttpException::class => CustomNotFoundHttpException::class,
        MethodNotAllowedException::class => CustomMethodNotAllowed::class,
        ModelNotFoundException::class => CustomNotFoundHttpException::class,
        AuthenticationException::class => CustomAuthenticationException::class,
        AuthorizationException::class => CustomUnauthorizedException::class,
        UnauthorizedHttpException::class => CustomUnauthorizedException::class,
        ThrottleRequestsException::class => CustomThrottleRequestsException::class

you can customize,add,edit and override any of classes.

also you can publish this classes by run this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="FarshidRezaei\VandarResponder\Providers\ResponderServiceProvider" --tag="customExceptions"

don't forget change namespace of classes after publish

customException structure

class CustomDefaultException extends AbstractApiCustomException implements ApiCustomExceptionInterface
    public function __construct(?Exception $exception)
        $this->errorCode = Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; // exception Status Code

        $this->stringErrorCode = config('responder.errors.EXTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR'); // string error code

        $this->errorMessage = __('responder::exceptions.generalServerError'); // message of error


if you assign it for a laravel exception it will call responder failure() function and return json response to client.

//with status 500
    "message": "خطایی رخ داده است، لطفا دوباره تلاش کنید",
    "code": "external_service_error"


if you want to create a non-laravel exception and throw it, you can call Responder::failure() function in render of exception.

it will return standard json.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.