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template locator

0.9 2020-07-15 12:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-27 05:00:15 UTC


View locator class, for locating views/templates relatively the to processing logic controller/model, especially used in frameworks or independent framework-agnostic extensions Following the standard frameworks way of reflecting the controller's name as subfolders inside the views (MVC) folder, containing a template for each executing logic (Controller/Widget) action eg. CRUD.

          create.php (C-reate)
          index.php  (R-ead)
          edit.php   (U-pdate)
          list.php   (D-delete)


    $tl = new TemplateLocator();
    $path = $tl->seek($this);
    $path = $path .'/'.$template.'.php';
    $tl = new TemplateLocator();
    $path = $tl->getRelative()->setViewsDir('../../twig/views')->seek($this);
    $path = $path .'/'.$template.'.php';

$this - passing the $this param to the $seek method, is a controller in which is this library used in, to reflect the templates path relatively to it. (TODO: better to add it to some fluent interface method chaining)

In full context

protected function render($template, array $vars)

    $tl = new ViewLocator();
    $path = $tl->setViewsDir('./templates')->seek($this);

    include $path.''.$template.'.php';

Using fantomx1\ViewLocatorRenderTrait for handling rendering overhead in libraries from the shelf eg. in real wold context..

private $viewsDir = './views/';


namespace fantomx1\toolmasterforeman\examples\ComposerAssetsInstallerTool;

use fantomx1\toolmasterforeman\ToolMasterForemanAbstract;
use fantomx1\ViewLocatorRenderTrait;

class ComposerAssetsInstallerTool extends ToolMasterForemanAbstract

    use ViewLocatorRenderTrait;

     *   the 
     * protected function getViewsDir()
     * {
     * return $this->getDefaultViewsDir();
     * }
     * @return string
    protected function getViewsDir()
        return $this->getDefaultViewsDir("./views");

    public function actionIndex()
        $this->render("index", ['test'=>1]);
