Stored Programs and Views in MySql for ZF2 or ZF3

0.1.2 2017-02-26 13:57 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-21 12:57:29 UTC


SPAV (Stored Programs and views) library.

About library and Recommendation:

This is library wrapper for use Procedure, Function or View in MySql.

My recommendation is use business logic of data base in Stored Programs. Your MySql user must have privileges only for Stored Programs and Views. Full privileges is available only for root user.

MySql Privileges

Tips and Tricks:

  • Currently this library available for zend framework 2 or 3 with MySql
  • You must use php7
  • You should use MySql5.7 because Stored Programs must return result as json (5.7 version available for json function). But you can use previous versions of MySql, just return string as json(use concat function for it).


Check out PHPUnit test(folder tests). You can find example of use Stored Programs (/tests/EntityExample/) or check out this repository Spav Zend Framework example.


Using Composer

composer require fanatov37/spav