
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Image upload, resize and crop PHP Class






Installs: 51

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 4

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v0.0.1-alpha 2016-04-05 15:55 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-08-03 21:39:59 UTC


Build Status

eImage it's a simple PHP Class to make Uploading and Editing Images even more easy!

A rewrite of a old Class (_image) originally written by Mark Jackson (mjdigital) all credits of main idea goes to him :D

Major changes from the original class:

  • Used all available PSR (Autoload, CodeStyle, etc...)
  • Added Exception to handle errors
  • Reduced portions of code by putting them into general class methods
  • Removed obsolete|unused methods|conditions|variables


  • PHP >= 5.4


Upload Image

use eImage\eImage;
use eImage\eImageException;

/** Upload your image **/
$File = (isset($_FILES['img'])) ? $_FILES['img'] : null;


try {

   * Simple Upload
  $Image = new eImage();

  /** -------------------------------------------------- */

   * The next code will do the following:
   * Rename the image to my_new_image.
   * Place the uploaded image into base_dir/Images/
   * Create a new unique image if find an existing one.
   * return an array with the new image properties.
  $Image = new eImage([
      'NewName'    => 'my_new_name',
      'UploadTo'   => 'Images/',
      'Duplicates' => 'u',
      'ReturnType' => 'array'
} catch (eImageException $e){
  /** do something **/

NOTE: If there is not an extension specified in 'NewName' parameter it will take the extension from the original image. NOTE2: You can specify a new extension with NewExtension property

Crop Image

use eImage\eImage;
use eImage\eImageException;

/** Upload your image **/
$File = (isset($_FILES['img'])) ? $_FILES['img'] : null;


try {

    * Crop from upload
   $Image = new eImage();
   $Image->crop(250, 250, -50, -75);

   /** -------------------------------------------------- */

    * Crop from source file
       'Source' => 'path_to_your_file.jpg',
       'Prefix' => 'AfterCrop-'
   $Image->crop(250, 250, -50, -75);
} catch (eImageException $e){
  /** do something **/

NOTE: if you do not specify a NewName or Prefix parameter the original image will be override by the new crop method. You can also set the Duplicates to 'u' unique to create a new image instead of override

Resize Image

use eImage\eImage;
use eImage\eImageException;

/** Upload your image **/
$File = (isset($_FILES['img'])) ? $_FILES['img'] : null;


try {

    * Resize from upload
   $Image = new eImage();
   $Image->resize(600, 450);

   /** -------------------------------------------------- */

    * Resize from source file
       'Source' => 'my_source_image.jpg',
       'Prefix' => 'AfterResize-',
       'AspectRatio' => false,
       'ScaleUp' => true
   $Image->resize(600, 205);
} catch (eImageException $e){
  /** do something **/

NOTE: You may want to specify resize properties such as AspectRatio, Oversize, ScaleUp according to your needs.

Parameters and their default values

public $NewName;

public $UploadTo;

public $ReturnType = 'full_path';

public $SafeRename = true;

public $Duplicates = 'o';

private $EnableMIMEs = [
    '.jpe'  => 'image/jpeg',
    '.jpg'  => 'image/jpg',
    '.jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
    '.gif'  => 'image/gif',
    '.png'  => 'image/png',
    '.bmp'  => 'image/bmp',
    '.ico'  => 'image/x-icon',
private $DisabledMIMEs = [];

public $CreateDir = false;

public $Source;

public $ImageQuality = 90;

public $NewExtension;

public $Prefix;

public $NewPath;

public $AspectRatio = true;

public $Oversize = false;

public $ScaleUp = false;

public $Position = 'cc';

public $FitPad = true;

public $PadColor = 'transparent';


Specify the new name for your image.


Specify where the new image is going to be uploaded to.


  • 'full_path': string with the full path to the new image.
  • 'bool': true or false if the upload succeeded.
  • 'array':
    • from upload() method: Pretty close to the $_FILE array it will return name, path, size, tmp_name and full_path.
    • from crop() method: Will return name, prefix, path, height, width and full_path.
    • from resize() method: Will return name, prefix, path, height, width, pad_color and full_path.


  • true: will clean the image name and remove strange characters.
  • false: the new image will contain the same name as the uploaded image.


If a there is an existing file:

  • 'o': Overwrite the file.
  • 'u': Create an unique file.
  • 'e': Throw eImageException.


An array that contain the MIME Types the eImage Class will be allow to upload.

['.jpg' => 'image/jpg']


If this property is set with values it will forbid to upload the MIME Types or Extensions specified.

NOTE: Any other MIME Type or Extension THAT IS NOT SET HERE will be allowed to upload.


Full path to a file automatically set after image upload for easy access resize and crop methods.


If set to true create a directory if not exist (UploadTo | NewPath).


Integer [1-100]%.


Apply a new extension to the image (.jpg, .png, .gif).


Specify a new prefix for the image.


Specify path for the new image, it apply only for crop() and resize() methods.


Set true or false if you want to maintain or not your image aspect ratio.


If true it will oversize the image when width > height or the otherwise.


Set true if want allow the image to scale up from a small size to a bigger one.


Hexadecimal color string for the image background if does not fit the canvas, default is 'transparent'.


Set true if want to make use of the Position to fit the image in the canvas when the new size does not fit and AspectRatio is true.


Set the position of source in the canvas:

  • 'tr': top right
  • 'tl': top left
  • 'tc': top center
  • 'br': bottom right
  • 'bl': bottom left
  • 'bc': bottom center
  • 'cr': center right
  • 'cl': center left
  • 'cc': center horizontal and vertically