
Improved wrapper for PHP Ratchet websocket server

v1.1.0 2019-10-17 10:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-17 19:43:57 UTC


Modified wrapper for Ratchet's Websocket App class. This wrapper does not use the Flash Socket Server so it could be implemented multiple times on the same server, without the could not bind to address error message.

Please note that older browsers than IE10 will not be supported with this method.


In order to install this library via composer run the following command in the console:

composer require faimmedia/ratchet-websocket

or add the package manually to your composer.json file in the require section:

"faimmedia/ratchet-websocket": "^1.0"


There is an example CLI script in the examples folder (Run.php). Use the --help argument for accepted parameters.