
ChromePhp is a PHP library for the Chrome Logger Google Chrome extension

1.0 2022-07-17 10:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-17 15:20:06 UTC



Chrome Logger is a Google Chrome extension for debugging server side applications in the Chrome console.

Most languages include their own logging capabilities, but sometimes it is easier to see your logs right in the browser.

developer developer

  • Install the Google Chrome extension
  • Click the extension 68747470733a2f2f6c68332e676f6f676c6575736572636f6e74656e742e636f6d2f3130624b435172444f6e664d5a394a6d4577444f624e3032656551575a75434877686d6c4155744b4b44777a41367651786c4f70746f476f55726f587a553967694e38713765554b7165686a54664a434d34686e6f4343696a673d773132382d683132382d653336352d726a2d736330783030666666666666 icon in the browser to enable it for the current tab's domain
  • Usage :

use Logger\Chrome\ChromePhp;


class User {

    ChromePhp::log('hello world');
    ChromePhp::warn('something went wrong!');


Click for more information.