fabrikage / requirements
A helper class to set requirements for your PHP application.
2023-12-16 13:12 UTC
An elegant solution to check if your PHP application meets the requirements to run on a server.
Will be added soon.
Installation with Composer
composer require fabrikage/requirements
Valid version strings are:
Major and minor1.0.0
Major, minor and patch
Or anything that is readable by version_compare()
Valid comparators are:
Equal to!=
Not equal to>
Greater than>=
Greater than or equal to<
Less than<=
Less than or equal to
The default comparator, when none is provided is >=
A version string with a comparator looks like this: >=1.0.0
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; use Fabrikage\Requirements; use Fabrikage\Requirements\Requirement; $requirements = [ new Requirement\PHP('8.1'), new Requirement\PHPExtension('curl'), new Requirement\WordPress('6.4.1'), new Requirement\WordPressPlugin('woocommerce/woocommerce.php', '8.3.1'), ]; // Pass false to the constructor to disable exception throwing, leave empty to enable. $validator = new Requirements\Validator(false); $validator->addRequirements($requirements); if (!$validator->valid()) { // Your application does not meet the requirements. } // Alternatively, you can invoke the validator as a function. if (!$validator()) { // Your application does not meet the requirements. } App::run();
WordPress example
use Fabrikage\Requirements\Validator; class App { private static Validator $validator; public static function run(Validator $validator): void { if (!$validator->valid()) { static::$validator = $validator; static::handleErrors(); return; // Block further execution } static::init(); } private static function init(): void { // Initialize your application } private static function handleErrors(): void { add_action('admin_notices', function () { static::renderErrors(); }); } private static function renderErrors(): void { if (empty($errors = static::$validator->getErrors())) { return; } echo sprintf( '<div class="notice notice-error"><p><strong>%s</strong></p><p>%s</p><ul>%s</ul></div></p>', PLUGIN_NAME, __('The plugin could not be loaded because the following requirements are not met:', 'plugin-name'), implode('', array_map(function (string $error) { return sprintf('<li>- %s</li>', $error); }, $errors)) ); } }
This would result in the following output if not all requirements are met: