
v1.0.0 2023-05-15 13:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 21:12:39 UTC


(PHP Composer Source Repository) Useful functions to debug server behavior, and provide a formated and structurated response.


F4lk0n VarDump functions to help visualize variable contents. Useful when, for some reason you don't have XDebug installed on the server and need to perform a quick analisys of the variables contents.



  • Indicate variables types;
  • Indicate file and line of the caller; (When available at the server);
  • HTML formated output;
  • Stylized output;
  • Short name for easy typing while developing;

To Do (Future):

  • Avoid circular reference;
  • Customize output style;


With compose add it to the required depencies:

  "require": {
    "f4lk0n/core-dev": "*"

Manually, require all files or just the desired ones from the src/ folder:

  require "src/VDD.php";


Call the VD function passing the desired var, to print and continue; Call the VDD function, if you wanna print and stop execution.

  VD($someVarA);  //VarDump contents;
  VD($someVarB);  //VarDump contents;
  VD($someVarC);  //VarDump contents;
  VDD($someVarD); //VarDump contents and die;
  someFunction(); //Not called;