
Create, save, and edit your own email templates, and then send them to anybody whenever you need it

1.0.1 2016-05-23 09:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-10 01:49:48 UTC


Create, save, and edit your own email templates, and then send them to anybody whenever you need it.

How to install

0- Add email-template-manager as a composer dependency

composer require ezzing/email-template-manager

1- Edtir your composer.json to add email-template-manager into PSR-4 autoloading
"psr-4": {
    "App\\": "app/",
2- Edit your config/app.php to add a new service provider
'providers' => [
3- Refresh autoload_classmap.php so new service provider can be recognised

composer dump-autoload

4- Publish new package

php artisan vendor:publish

Files are published in /public/resources/emailTemplateManager directory.

5- Refresh autoload_classmap.php so new models and seeders cand be recognised

composer dump-autoload

6- Migrate email-template-manager tables into your DB

php artisan migrate

7- Seed new email-template-manager tables

php artisan db:seed --class=MailTemplateManagerSeeder


Now you can access your email template manager accessig to


You can change this route modifying /vendor/ezzing/email_template_manager/src/routes.php.