ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel Security Advisories (17)
[HIGH] eZ Platform Object Injection in SiteAccessMatchListener
PKSA-f997-fdf2-12v5 GHSA-64vj-933f-6pm3
Affected version: >=5.4.0,<5.4.15|>=6.13.0,<|>=7.5.0,<7.5.8
Reported by:
GitHub -
[HIGH] eZ Publish Remote code execution in file uploads
PKSA-rgzv-sd54-69gs GHSA-3vwr-jj4f-h98x
Affected version: >=5.4.0,<|>=6.13.0,<|>=7.5.0,<
Reported by:
GitHub -
[MEDIUM] eZ Platform REST API returns list of all SiteAccesses
PKSA-jv5q-gq3v-6ywm GHSA-9wwx-c723-vm8x
Affected version: >=5.3.0,<|>=5.4.0,<|>=6.0.0,<|>=6.8.0,<|>=7.0.0,<|>=7.3.0,<
Reported by:
GitHub -
[LOW] Download route allows filename change in eZpublish kernel
PKSA-z67k-j82n-m783 GHSA-946c-f9w6-2c25
Affected version: >=7.5.0,<7.5.31
Reported by:
GitHub -
[CRITICAL] Access control issue in ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel
PKSA-6sj4-k5qk-7xf1 CVE-2022-48367 GHSA-h5v2-wrhp-5v35
Affected version: >=7.5.0,<7.5.28
Reported by:
GitHub -
[LOW] Timing attack in eZ Platform Ibexa
PKSA-6zrh-817h-wc9b CVE-2022-48366 GHSA-66m4-gc8h-hpjx
Affected version: >=7.5.0,<7.5.29
Reported by:
GitHub -
[HIGH] Company admin role gives excessive privileges in eZ Platform Ibexa
PKSA-vyh4-xcqv-nk64 CVE-2022-48365 GHSA-qq2j-9pf8-g58c
Affected version: >=7.5.0,<7.5.30
Reported by:
GitHub -
[MEDIUM] User account enumeration in eZ Publish Ibexa Kernel
PKSA-xy38-8tb1-r2db CVE-2021-46876 GHSA-89p3-9j8c-fqh4
Affected version: >=7.5.0,<|>=6.13.0,<
Reported by:
GitHub -
[MEDIUM] Cross Site Scripting in eZ Platform Ibexa Kernel
PKSA-fm8v-vkhn-dc5g CVE-2021-46875 GHSA-c737-jhwr-fqxj
Affected version: >=7.5.0,<|>=6.13.0,<
Reported by:
GitHub -
[CRITICAL] eZ Platform users with the Company admin role can assign any role to any user
PKSA-c699-v1ks-dw56 GHSA-99r3-xmmq-7q7g
Affected version: >=7.5.0,<7.5.30
Reported by:
GitHub -
[CRITICAL] Login timing attack in ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel
PKSA-ns35-p1q3-5g4c GHSA-xfqg-p48g-hh94
Affected version: >=7.5.0,<7.5.29
Reported by:
GitHub -
[CRITICAL] eZ Publish Kernel and Legacy Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type
PKSA-b5bw-6hbd-8dsn CVE-2020-10806 GHSA-54p5-gxq6-j98g
Affected version: >=7.0,<|>=6.0,<|<
Reported by:
GitHub -
[CRITICAL] Object state limitation has no effect
PKSA-f72h-m83w-y9bn GHSA-5x4f-7xgq-r42x
Affected version: >=7.5.0,<7.5.28
Reported by:
GitHub -
[CRITICAL] Code injection in ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel
PKSA-h5v6-1rtg-7xrf CVE-2022-25337 GHSA-xwv6-v7qx-f5jc
Affected version: >=7.5.0,<7.5.26
Reported by:
GitHub -
[HIGH] EZSA-2020-004 Object Injection in SiteAccessMatchListener
PKSA-b8pq-brvg-3dyp GHSA-gmrf-99gw-vvwj
Affected version: >=7.5.0,<|>=6.13.0,<|>=5.4.0,<
Reported by:
FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories, GitHub -
[HIGH] EZSA-2020-001 Remote code execution in file uploads
PKSA-25nt-psjd-9fnj GHSA-mrvj-7q4f-5p42
Affected version: >=7.5.0,<|>=6.13.0,<|>=5.4.0,<
Reported by:
FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories, GitHub -
[HIGH] EZSA-2018-008 REST API returns list of all SiteAccesses
PKSA-wb2t-56n4-3vbm GHSA-44m4-9cjp-j587
Affected version: >=7.3.0,<|>=7.0.0,<|>=6.8.0,<|>=6.0.0,<|>=5.4.0,<|>=5.3.0,<
Reported by:
FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories, GitHub