ezsystems / behat-screenshot-image-driver-cloudinary
Cloudinary image driver for bex/behat-screenshot behat extension
- php: ^7.1 || ^8.0
- behat/behat: ^3.7
- cloudinary/cloudinary_php: ^1.10
Requires (Dev)
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver: ^1.3.0
- bex/behat-extension-driver-locator: ^2.0
- bex/behat-screenshot: ^2.0
- ezsystems/ezplatform-code-style: ^1.0
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^2.16.0
- phpspec/phpspec: ^5.1 || ^7.1
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-20 14:23:00 UTC
This package is an image driver for the bex/behat-screenshot behat extension which can upload the screenshot to Cloudinary and print the url of the uploaded image.
Install by adding to your composer.json
composer require --dev ezsystems/behat-screenshot-image-driver-cloudinary
Enable the image driver in the Behat-ScreenshotExtension's config in behat.yml
default: extensions: Bex\Behat\ScreenshotExtension: active_image_drivers: cloudinary
You can choose how to upload files:
- signed upload: export the Cloudinary values (cloud name, API Key and API Secret) as environmental variables
- unsigned upload: set the cloud_name and preset in configuration
default: extensions: Bex\Behat\ScreenshotExtension: active_image_drivers: cloudinary image_drivers: cloudinary: screenshot_directory: /tmp/behat-screenshot/ cloud_name: X preset: Y
Other options:
- limit: specifies the number of screenshots that can be taken in a single Behat run. It's based on number of files in
, so make sure that the folder is empty before the tests are run and cleaned only after the whole suite, not after every test. Limit checking can be disabled by exporting theDISABLE_BEHAT_SCREENSHOT_LIMIT
When a step fails a screenshot will be taken and uploaded to Cloudinary. URL of the uploaded image will be displayed in the Behat log.
Scenario: # features/feature.feature:2 Given I have a step # FeatureContext::passingStep() When I have a failing step # FeatureContext::failingStep() Error (Exception) Screenshot has been taken. Open image at https://res.cloudinary.com/cloud_name/image/upload/IMAGE_LINK.png Then I should have a skipped step # FeatureContext::skippedStep()
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A - Ibexa Business Use License Agreement (Ibexa BUL), version 2.4 or later versions (as license terms may be updated from time to time) Ibexa BUL is granted by having a valid Ibexa DXP (formerly eZ Platform Enterprise) subscription, as described at: https://www.ibexa.co/product For the full Ibexa BUL license text, please see:
- LICENSE-bul file placed in the root of this source code, or
- https://www.ibexa.co/software-information/licenses-and-agreements (latest version applies)
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- LICENSE file placed in the root of this source code, or
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