
Easy flash messages for your Laravel application.

v1.0.3 2020-09-10 09:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-10 18:28:58 UTC


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Package to provide you with an easy way to implement flash messages in your Laravel application.


Run the following command in your project directory to install the package:

composer require ez-laravel/flash-messages

Publish the vue components using the following commands:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=EZ\FlashMessages\FlashServiceProvider --tag=vue

This will publish a flash-messages directory in your resources/js/components directory.

Make sure these components are (auto) loaded in. I usually make this happen using:

// app.js

// Automatically load all vue components
const files = require.context('./', true, /\.vue$/i);
files.keys().map(key => Vue.component(key.split('/').pop().split('.')[0], files(key).default));

To be able to render the 'important' icon this package makes use of Font Awesome icons so make sure that's loaded if you intend to use the 'important' status


Use the following blade directive to include the flash messages partial in any view you'd like to display flash messages in


Afterwards you can call the following methods from your controller to flash messages to the session which will be displayed on the next page load.

// Message with level 'info'
flash('Your message');

// Message with level 'success'
flash('Your message')->success();

// Message with level 'error'
flash('Your message')->error();

// Message with level 'warning'
flash('Your message')->warning();

// Overlay (modal) with default title and custom message
flash('Your message')->overlay();

// Overlay (modal) with custom title and message
flash()->overlay('Your message', 'Your title');

// Message with level 'info' which is important (so it gets a warning icon)
flash('Your message')->important();

Flash message partial

If you'd like to customize the flash message partial you can publish it using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=EZ\FlashMessages\FlashServiceProvider --tag=views

This will publish the partial to the resources/views/vendor/flash directory.

Customize styling

All styling is defined inside of the vue components you've published.

To do

  • Add an option to automatically hide the flash message after X seconds


This package was basically copied from laracasts/flash as a practice project. I used to use that package a lot and this one is custom tailored to how I like to use it. So big thank you to laracasts for the code and all lessons provided by their platform.