An Exception sender for the Exceptions' Center

v1.2 2021-05-08 13:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-08 21:49:42 UTC


Package to send the exceptions to the Exceptions' Center from a Laravel website.

License: MIT


You can quickly add this package in your application using Composer. Be careful to use the correct version of the package regarding your Laravel application version:


For now, this package supports all Laravel versions from 5.3.


In a Bash terminal:

composer require exceptions-center/laravel


In this section, we will see how to use the current package features. You need to add some lines into your exceptions handler in app/Exceptions/Handler.php :

public function render($request, Throwable $throwable) {
    // ...

    if($this->shouldReport($throwable)) {
        ExceptionSender::make($throwable, $request)->send() ;

    return parent::render($request, $throwable);

If an error occurred during the sending, the error will be saved in a storage/logs/exceptions.log.


You have two different ways to configure your application:


Using config file

You can access to a part of the available configuration using your config/app.php file:

| Exceptions' Center environment data
| This array is used in the Exception's Center to correctly use the
| sender. These values are not required here: you could manage your
| own sender using the publish command. You will able to define in
| the generated file the following parameters:
'exceptions' => [
     * Key of the project.
    'key' => env('EXCEPTION_CENTER_KEY'),

     * Determine whether an incoming exception will
     * be sent to the Exceptions' Center.
    'enabled' => env('EXCEPTION_CENTER_ENABLED', false),

     * Determine whether the threads are allowed to
     * send the request to the Exceptions' Center.
    'multithreading' => true,
     * Determine whether an error during the sending
     * should be saved in the storage/logs/exceptions.log 
     * file.
    'log' => true,

     * If you published the ExceptionSender, you need
     * to declare the path until the generated file,
     * wherever you put it.
    'model' => \ExceptionsCenter\Laravel\ExceptionSender::class,
     * The exception destination base URL.
    'url' => env('EXCEPTION_CENTER_URL'),

Note : don't forget to execute php artisan config:clear to take the changes into account.

Using published sender

Another way is to publish the exceptions sender to customize all the possible methods. You can generate a app/Exceptions/ExceptionSender.php file using:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=exception-sender

Note : If you chose to publish the exceptions sender, you need to define the 'model' key in the previous app configurations, otherwise the test command won't use your updates.


If you defined the configurations (previous step) and published the sender, the config array will be taken into account.


You need to define the project key, available in the Exceptions' Center website.


The current package allows sending the exceptions using a thread to save execution time. You can enable or disable this feature in the app config file at the key multithreading or in your published ExceptionSender with the multithreading property.

Note : if an error occurred during the starting of the thread, then the exceptions will be sent using cURL.

User information

You can define all the information you want about the user with the methods getUserInformation() and getGuestInformation(). Please, be careful regarding the data you send. Don't forget user's sensitive information should not leave your application, even for debuging. If you are using another auth guardian than the Laravel default Auth, you need to override the userIsLoggedIn() method.

Event listener

If you are using an other package that fire events when an exception is caught, then you can use the IncomingExceptionListener to handle this event. In your EventServiceProvider, you just have to add:

protected $listen = [
    IncomingExceptionEvent::class => [

where IncomingExceptionEvent is the event name. This event needs to implement getException() and getRequest() methods.


You can check whether the package is working with the Artisan command:

php artisan exception:test

Note : Did you execute php artisan config:clear ?


This is the files architecture of the package:

├── composer.json
└── src
    ├── API
    │   ├── Contracts
    │   │   ├── ExceptionUserContract.php
    │   │   └── Reportable.php
    │   ├── ExceptionLog.php
    │   ├── Receiver
    │   │   └── ExceptionResponse.php
    │   ├── Request
    │   │   └── cUrl.php
    │   ├── Sender
    │   │   ├── AbstractExceptionSender.php
    │   │   ├── ExceptionFormatter.php
    │   │   ├── HasExceptedParameters.php
    │   │   ├── LaravelExceptionSender.php
    │   │   └── ThreadSender.php
    │   └── UrlFormatter.php
    ├── Exceptions
    │   └── CheckExceptionCenterException.php
    ├── ExceptionsCenterServiceProvider.php
    ├── ExceptionSender.php
    └── Test
        └── ExceptionTestCommand.php

8 directories, 18 files

You can generate the previous tree using:

sudo apt install tree
tree -I '.git|vendor'


This package is under the terms of the MIT license.