
A Docker Stack to run Php Apps. Composed by Http, Php, Database, Cache, Queue, Logger, Cron Jobs and CLI services.


Php Docker stack to run Php Apps in Production and Development, using Docker Compose Services to run any Php version, Databases, Cache, Queues, Logs and much more...

From now on, no need to keep messing around the Operating System to have a full development stack ready to build our awesome Php Apps.



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This repository uses Explicit Versioning schema.


Branches are created as demonstrated here.

This are the type of branches we can see at any moment in the repository:

  • master - issues and milestones branches will be merged here. Don't use it in production.
  • last-stable-release - matches the last stable tag created. Useful for automation tools. Doesn't guarantee backwards compatibility.
  • 4-fix-some-bug - each issue will have is own branch for development.
  • milestone-12_add-some-new-feature - all Milestone issues will start, tracked and merged here.

Only master and last-stable-release branches will be permanent ones in the repository and all other ones will be removed once they are merged.


By default this Php Docker Stack only supports Php Apps requiring versions of Php >= 7.0.

This was a conscious decision to help adoption of awesome Php7 and not have to duplicate efforts in supporting old Php versions... you know I do this in my free time ;).

But using the Php Docker Stack for older Php Versions is easy as using the .env file to override the required docker images for Php by other ones supporting the desired Php version your project is running on.