
PHP library for Cassandra database via a binary protocol

v0.1.0 2014-07-24 06:34 UTC


Sorry, this repository deprecated and not maintained anymore. Please use https://github.com/duoshuo/php-cassandra

Build Status 68747470733a2f2f636f6465636c696d6174652e636f6d2f6769746875622f6576736565766e6e2f7068702d63617373616e6472612d62696e6172792e706e67 68747470733a2f2f7363727574696e697a65722d63692e636f6d2f672f6576736565766e6e2f7068702d63617373616e6472612d62696e6172792f6261646765732f7175616c6974792d73636f72652e706e673f623d6d6173746572 68747470733a2f2f7363727574696e697a65722d63692e636f6d2f672f6576736565766e6e2f7068702d63617373616e6472612d62696e6172792f6261646765732f6275696c642e706e673f623d6d6173746572

Cassandra client library for PHP, using the native binary protocol.

Roadmap for version 0.2.0

  • UUID generation
  • timestamp only with microsecond
  • using v2 protocol
  • speedup
  • the ability to specify the settings (setup default consistency level and more)
  • more fixes

Known issues

  • decimal and timestamps have bugs especially in collections (map,set,list)
  • connection handling e.g. timeouts


PHP 5.4+ is required. There is no need for additional libraries.

Append dependency into composer.json

	"require": {
		"evseevnn/php-cassandra-binary": "dev-master"

Base Using


$nodes = [
	'' => [
		'username' => 'admin',
		'password' => 'pass'

// Connect to database.
$database = new evseevnn\Cassandra\Database($nodes, 'my_keyspace');

// Run query.
$users = $database->query('SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id" = :id', ['id' => 'c5420d81-499e-4c9c-ac0c-fa6ba3ebc2bc']);

			[0] => array(
				'id' => 'c5420d81-499e-4c9c-ac0c-fa6ba3ebc2bc',
				'name' => 'userName',
				'email' => 'user@email.com'

// Keyspace can be changed at runtime
// Get from other keyspace
$urlsFromFacebook = $database->query('SELECT * FROM "urls" WHERE "host" = :host', ['host' => 'facebook.com']);

Using transaction

	// all INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE query append into batch query stack for execution after applyBatch
	$uuid = $database->query('SELECT uuid() as "uuid" FROM system.schema_keyspaces LIMIT 1;')[0]['uuid'];
			'INSERT INTO "users" ("id", "name", "email") VALUES (:id, :name, :email);',
				'id' => $uuid,
				'name' => 'Mark',
				'email' => 'mark@facebook.com'

			'DELETE FROM "users" WHERE "email" = :email;',
				'email' => 'durov@vk.com'
	$result = $database->applyBatch();

Supported datatypes

All types are supported.

  • ascii, varchar, text Result will be a string.
  • bigint, counter, varint Converted to strings using bcmath.
  • blob Result will be a string.
  • boolean Result will be a boolean as well.
  • decimal Converted to strings using bcmath.
  • double, float, int Result is using native PHP datatypes.
  • timestamp Converted to integer. Milliseconds precision is lost.
  • uuid, timeuuid, inet No native PHP datatype available. Converted to strings.
  • list, set Converted to array (numeric keys).
  • map Converted to keyed array.