
Evozon ProfilerCommandRunner

dev-master 2018-11-22 08:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 23:19:34 UTC


This bundle allows users to run symfony console commands directly from the Web Profiler Toolbar.

In order to set up the Web Profiler toolbar, follow the official symfony documentation for the package.

This functionality has been thought of to be used in QA/Development environments only.

Its goal is to reduce the number of requests like "Can you please rerun the import on the QA server number 3?" towards devs. It enables less technical individuals to run commands on the application instance they see, without needing to ssh into a server.



composer require evozon-php/profiler-command-runner

Enable the bundle

When using symfony/flex, the bundle is autoconfigured and ready to go!

For symfony 3.x and previous, follow these steps:

Step 1: Register the bundle

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Evozon\Bundle\ProfilerCommandRunner\ProfilerCommandRunnerBundle(),
        // ...

Step 2: Register the routes

// app/config/routing.yml

    resource: '@ProfilerCommandRunner/Resources/config/routes.xml'


After installing and enabling the bundle, go to your application in the browser.

If the Web Profiler Toolbar is enabled, it should contain an extra entry with an input field and a "Run" button.

Any command that is available in the application by running ./bin/console command:name:here --with=parameters will work from the user interface as well.

The output of the command is shown when hovering the input field in the Web Profiler Toolbar, once the command execution has finished.

For example, try list --raw

Word of caution #1

You can run ANY command from the Web Profiler Toolbar.

Even destructive commands like doctrine:database:delete --force!

Word of caution #2

When using multiple servers behind a load balancer, this bundle will run the command ONLY on one server (the one provided by the load balancer for that request).