
eJinn the Exception genie

1.0.2 2019-07-24 20:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 03:17:48 UTC


The Exception Genie (PHP v5.6+)


  • Do you like having one exception code per exception class?

  • Do you like using interfaces to group exception classes togather?

  • Do you like having error codes that are unique in your whole library, or project?

  • Are you tired of keeping track of all those pesky exception codes?

  • Are you tired of creating those boring boilerplate exception and interface classes?

  • Are you tired of searching for the approrate exception, because you can't remember if you made one for this or that error?

If you answered Yes to any of the above then eJinn may be just what you need. eJinn builds excpetion classes and interfaces based on a simple and flexable configuration file. eJinn allows you to orginize all your exception classes and error codes in a logically based and easy to read configuration.

eJinn builds PHP exception and interface class files for you.

An example of an eJinn configuration ( as a PHP array).

    return [
        "author"        => "ArtisticPhoenix",
        "buildpath"     => ["psr"=>4],
        "description"   => "eJinn The Exception Genie",
        "package"       => "eJinn",
        "subpackage"    => "",
        "support"       => "https://github.com/ArtisticPhoenix/eJinn/issues",
        "version"       => "1.0.0",
        "namespaces"     => [
            //{key:Namespace} => [{value:Namespace tier}]
            "eJinn\\Exception"  => [
                "subpackage"    => "Exception",
                "interfaces"    => [
                     //{key:numeric} => {value:Base class name OR Interface Tier}
                "exceptions" => [
                    //{key:Error_Code} => {value:Base class name OR Excption Tier}
                    0     => "UnknownError",
                    1001  => "ResservedCode",
                    1002  => "UnknownConfKey",
                    1003  => "DuplateCode",
                    1004  => "MissingRequired",
                    1005  => "KeyNotAllowed",
                    1006  => "KeyNotAllowed",
                    1007  => "ConfCollision",
                    1100  => [
                        "name" => "JsonParseError",
                        "reserved" => [[1101,1108]], //reserve range [1101-1108] @see: (json_last_error() + 1100)
                ]//end exceptions
            ]//end namespace "eJinn\Exception"
        ] //end namespaces
    ];//end config

eJinn's configuration is based on a Multiple Tier based tree with Top Down Inheritance. This lets us have the maximum flexabillity while still maintaining the minimum configuration size. Properties are passed down the tree from the higher level (Parent) to lower levels (Children). If a property exists in both the Child and the Parent, then the value for the Child's property is used.

The configuration can be as simple as the PHP array shown above, or you can use an \eJinn\Reader\{Type} class to convert many diffrent types of files into the PHP array which is then passed into the \eJinn\eJinnParser class. The Reader is desined to be extendable, so if one doesn't exist for the type of configuration file you prefer, let us know!

Configuration Schema

Property matching in eJinn is case insensative, so the property named "version" will match ( but is not limited to ) any of the following: "VERSION", "Verison and "vErSiOn".

The main tiers of the configuration are Global, Namespace and Entity (Interface or Excption) . The Global tier is the top level of the configuration array. The Namespace is the array contained within the namespaces property. The Interfaces and Exceptions tiers contain the final definition for the Interface and Exception classes eJinn will create. For the most part we will refer to them collectivly as the Entity tier. They share many simularities, however there are some signifigant diffrences. Interfaces are simpler then Excptions and therefore contain fewer configuration properties then Excptions. In genaral any extra configuration properties that are in Interfaces will simply be ignored. These will be displayed in the Interface tier with ignored in the Required column.

With the exception of the container properties listed above, each tier can contain any of the properties from any of the tiers above it. However, it cannot contain any properites from any tiers below it. The Entity tier can contain any of the configuration properties, but the Global tier can only contain the properties defined within it.

Container properties are denoted with protected in the Required column below. As stated above, these properties Must exist at the tier shown and cannot be placed anywhere else in the configuration hierarchy. eJinn will throw an exception and let you know if there are any problems in your configuration.

Internal properties are denoted with private in the Required column below. In general these properties are not accessable outside the \eJinn\eJinnParser class and are shown here only for completeness and documentation purposes. They should not be included anywere within the configuration.

Comment properties are properties that begin with a _. These properties (and their decendants) are removed(ignored) from the configuration while it is being proccessed by the parser. This is useful because it allows you to exclude chunks of the configuration without actually deleting them. You can also leave yourself development notes with in the configuration by simply doing something like this _coment = "eJinn is the most awesomeist thing I ever saw".

Global Tier

Property Type Required Description
author string no Used as the @author tag in the Entity's Doc Comment.
license string no Used as the @license tag in the Entity's Doc Comment.
buildpath mixed no * See below
description string no Placed in the opening line of the Entity's Doc Comment.
package string no Used as the @package tag in the Entity's Doc Comment.
subPackage string no Used as the @subpackage tag in the Entity's Doc Comment.
support string no Used as the @link tag. This can be a URL or an Email. Support help for your project.
version string yes Used as the @version tag. Format major.minor[.revision]. eJinn will recompile the classes if the version is changed.
extends string no A base Exception class to extend, default is PHP's \Excption class. This should be a fully qualified class name.
severity integer no A default severity value, usefull only when entity is a decendant of PHP's \ErrorExcption class. Also creates class constant Class::SEVERITY. The default is E_USER_ERROR
implements array no Array of fully quallifed interfance names for excptions to impliment. Ignored by interface entities(excptions can impliment multiple interfaces). Interfaces created by eJinn are automatically populated where aplicable.
reserved array no Array of integer codes, or nested arrays [[min,max]] for a range of integers. This is a sanity check for error codes that should not be created by this configuration.
namespaces array protected Array of namespaces, the key should be the namespace which is used by the entities nested in this array.
eJinn:Hash string private Used as the @eJinn:hash tag. Configuration hash used to check when changes are made
eJinn:BuildVersion string private Used as the @eJinn:buildVersion tag. This allows the eJinn project to force a recompile when updates are done to the compiler, seperate from the eJinn version number.
eJinn:Buildtime float private Used as the @eJinn:buildTime tag. Time when this config was last parsed (microtime)
eJinn:Pathname string private class Path and filename

Namespace Teir

Property Type Required Description
interfaces array no Array of interface classes that eJinn will create ( post-parse ) This is not required but you must have either this property or exceptions, or both.
exceptions array no Array of exception classes that eJinn will create ( post-parse ) This is not required but you must have either this property or interfaces, or both.
namespace string private The namespace taken from $global['namespaces'][$namespace] ie. the key of the namespaces array from the Global Tier putting namespace as the key insures no duplacte namespaces are allowed, and it makes to much sense not to do it that way.
psr number private PSR setting at this namespace tier, this is for intarnal storage of the value of buildpath if using the psr array at this level.

Exception Tier

Property Type Required Description
name string yes Excption's Class name. Should not include a namespace, it should be the base class name.
code integer yes Exceptions Error code taken from $namespace['exceptions'][$code]. The default error code __construct($message={default},$code=...). And a class constant Class::ERROR_CODE
severity integer no see Global[severity], shown here to offset Interface[severity]
message string no A default error message __construct($message={default},$code=...)
qulifiedName string private The fully qualied class name namespace\class

Interface Tier

Property Type Required Description
name string yes Interface's Class name. Should not include a namespace, it should be the base class name.
qulifiedName string private The fully qualied class name namespace\class
code integer ignored Not Aplicable to this entity type
severity integer ignored Not Aplicable to this entity type
message string ignored Not Aplicable to this entity type
extends string no (see above) will overide above settings
implements array no (see above) will overide above settings
  • buildpath some special consideration for the buildpath property:
    • The default value is the location of the configuration file currently being proccessed.
    • If programmatically running eJinn, then this is the second argument of eJinn\eJinnParser::parse().
    • When overriding, this can be either a path relative to parent tier's buildpath, or an absolute path. Unlike other properties that are simply replaced, buildpaths are appended when relative and replaced when absolute. Relative paths should not begin with a /. Absolute paths should begin with a / on Unix based systems and the drive letter on windows c:\ (either / or \ is acceptable on window).
    • A few special values are avalible for the buildpath, These are desinged specifically for autoloaders and are an array instead of the normal string type associated with this property. You may have noticed this in the example configuration. ["psr" => 0] and ["psr" => 4]. When using either, the value of the current buildpath (at that tier) will have the namespace appended to it with the following considerations:
      • For ["psr" => 0]: Any _ underscores in the classname will be replace with a directory seperator. No special considerations are made for _ underscores in the namespace.
      • For ["psr" => 4]: No special considerations are made for the _ underscore.
    • Filepaths should exist, and should be writable by PHP running under the current user.

A short build path example:

   $config = [
       "buildpath" => "/home/app",  //root path overide with absolute path
       "namespaces" => [
          "Models\\Users\\Exceptions" => [
                "buildpath" => ["psr" => 4],
                "exceptions" => [
                      100 => "UnknownUser",
                      101 => "InvalidPasword",
          "Models\\Products\\Exceptions" => [
                "buildpath" => "Models/Products/Exceptions",
                "exceptions" => [
                      200 => "UnknownProduct",

These 2 paths are roughly equivalent, they will product the following files.

  • /home/app/Models/Users/Exceptions/UnknownUser.php (class \Models\Users\Exceptions\UnknownUser errorCode 100)
  • /home/app/Models/Users/Exceptions/InvalidPasword.php (class \Models\Users\Exceptions\InvalidPasword errorCode 101)
  • /home/app/Models/Products/Exceptions/UnknownProduct.php (class \Models\Users\Exceptions\UnknownProduct errorCode 200)

Full PSR-4 example (assming the configuration file was located in /home/app) this is equivalent to the above example.

$config = [
     "buildpath" => ["psr" => 4],
     "namespaces" => [
        "Models\\Users\\Exceptions" => [
              "exceptions" => [
                    100 => "UnknownUser",
                    101 => "InvalidPasword",
        "Models\\Products\\Exceptions" => [
              "exceptions" => [
                    200 => "UnknownProduct",

Short PSR-0 example (assming the configuration file was located in /home/app)

$config = [
     "buildpath" => ["psr" => 0],
     "namespaces" => [
        "Models\\Users" => [
              "exceptions" => [
                    100 => "Exception_UnknownUser",
                    101 => "Exception_InvalidPasword",

This will create the folowing 2 classes.

  • /home/app/Models/Users/Exception/UnknownUser.php (class \Models\Users\Exception_UnknownUser errorCode 100)
  • /home/app/Models/Users/Exception/InvalidPasword.php (class \Models\Users\Exception_InvalidPasword errorCode 101)

PSR-0 allows for shorter namespaces, but still gives the seperation at the file level. This can make is somewhat easier to code as their is less need for use statements. But it's slightly more confusing as to where the file is located at. Personally I prefer PSR-4. For example the namespace is simply Models\Users so when used within the Models\Users\User class, you would not need to include a use tag for these exceptions, however the _ is replaced in the path, putting the exceptions in their own seperate sub-directory. When calling them you would do this throw Excption_UnknownUser() instead of just throw UnknownUser as the PSR-4 example. However the PSR-4 example also requires this use Models\Users\Exceptions\{ClassName}; for each exception class. That said, you could also do this in PSR-4 use Models\Users\Exceptions as Exception; with aliasing and then throw them like throw Exeption\UnknownUser() which is my prefered way.

Build Options

Options Type Description
uniqueExceptions boolean When true will throw an exception if duplicate codes are found in the config, when false duplicates are ignored. This has no effect on codes set as reserved in the config.
forceUnlock boolean In the event some error occurs that prevents deleteing the .lock file you can delete it manually or set this option to true to force the parser to run.
lockFile string The name of the lock file, this should be either the full path and filename, or just the filename. In the case of just a filename the parser buildpath is used eJinnParser::parse($config, $buildpath, $options)
forceRecompile boolean There are serveral ways that a config will be recompiled. You can set this option to true to force recompiling to override any caching.
cacheFile string The name of the cache file, this should be either the full path and filename, or just the filename. In the case of just a filename the parser buildpath is used eJinnParser::parse($config, $buildpath, $options)
debug array Mainly for development. When you add a tag to the debugger array eJinn will output debugging infomation assocated to that tag. Typically this is the name of a particular method in the parser class. For a complete list see the Debugging section.
parseOnly boolean When this is set to true only the parsing stage is ran. No actual files are created by eJinn. This can be useful for doing a dry run.
createPath boolean eJinn will attempt to build any missing folders in the path of the execption and interfaces. Caution should be taken when using this option. It's suggest to set ['parseOnly'=>true, debug=>['showFiles']] options as well the first time it is ran to insure the config will create the proper file locations. Validation on missing folders is bypassed by this option, for obvious reasons. ( if they don't exist, we create them, so no errors for that )


Pre-Reading is defined as the act of opening a configuration file and translating it into the array structure given above. The eJinn parser class only understands PHP array structure above. By seperating this out into it's own unique step, eJinn can use virtual any configuration file type possible.


Parsing is defined as the act of taking the PHP configuration array and proccessing it. The main job of this step is to flatten out the ineritance tree, and assign all relevent values to either an exception or interface entity. During this step we also check the configuration for various errors.


Compiling is defined as the act of creating the actual PHP class files for the entities found in the configuration file.


Locking is defined as the act of creating a eJinn.lock file, which prevents mulitple processes from running the parser/compiler at the same time. This file will be deleted when the compiling process completes.


Caching is defined as the act of creating a eJinn.cache file, this file stores a reference or hash of the config file. This hash is used to tell if any changes are made to the config file, between compilings. If no changes were made the parser will not complile the config. You can delete the .cache file to force eJinn to recompile all entites. You can also set the runtime option of forcereCompile to true to cause the parser to recompile the config.

Exception Considerations

Without going into to much detail, I will briefly explain why it's benifical to use unique exceptions. The obvious example is this:

   //Catch a single exception ( based on class )
      throw \Excption("some really verbose message");   
   }catch(\Exception $e ){
       echo $e->getMessage(); //prints "?"

This is probably the worse exception example I could think of. There is very little you can tell by this what exception it's surpressing or what you should do if it's an acceptable error, or a fatal one. This is a slightly improved version:

   //Catch a single exception ( based on class )
      throw \Excption("some really verbose message", 100);   
   }catch(\Exception $e ){
       if($e->getCode() == 200 )
         echo $e->getMessage(); //prints "?"
         throw \Excption("rethrow", $e->getCode(), $e);   

This still dosn't give us a whole lot of options on catching and ignoring the error. A much better way is something like this:

   //Catch a single exception ( based on class )
      throw \Excption("some really verbose message", 100);   
   }catch(\eJinn\Exception\ResservedCode $e ){
       //catch only class \eJinn\Exception\ResservedCode
   }catch(\eJinn\Exception\eJinnExceptionInterface $e ){
       //catch any class that implements \eJinn\Exception\eJinnExceptionInterface

Now we have very fine grained control over our error handling. We can catch only the errors we want, and we can handle a range of error in diffrent catch blocks. The only problem with this type of error handling is the added hassle in setting the exception classes and keeping track of them.

This is exactly the issue eJinn was designed to handle. By simplifing the creation and tracking of these exceptions we can create as many exceptions as we need and have a sinular place to keep track of them.

Other Configuration Examples

Minimal Config.

return [
    "version"       => "1.0.0",
    "namespaces"     => [
        ""  => [
            "exceptions" => [
                0     => "UnknownError",

The above configureation will create a single exception file, this will be created at the location of the configuration file with no namespace. So if we had our config at /home/app/Exceptions then we would get this file:

  • /home/app/Exceptions/UnknownError ( class \UnknownError errorCode 0)

###Examples### eJinn uses itself to create it's exception files. You can view the config file at src/eJinnConf.php and you can see the files it created at src/evo/ejinn/Exceptions. You can also run it through the main index.php file. I also plan to use this on my other projects!

Still a work in progress.

  • beta release with basic PHP config
  • then (not in a specific order)
    • testing and more testing
    • composer publish
    • work on some basic Readers
    • cli interface
    • http interface
    • unit testing
    • documentation & examples (wikki)

Version change notes