
BelongsToMany nova representation in field.

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0.0.5 2019-09-25 19:21 UTC

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Last update: 2024-06-29 04:40:26 UTC


Belongs To Many Field Nova

Belongs To Many field to represent many to many relationship in field. This Field allow attaching relationships easily, you can pass query to the Multiple Select.


composer require everestmx/nova-belongs-to-many-field


Method relationModel() no more needed, to prevent conflicts it will be there. And trait HasBelongsToMany no more neede too, both will be in repo, but doesn't work.


In the resource you need to pass:

  • Method make (label, many to many relationship, Nova Resource Relationship)
  • Method options (Here you pass options that you need to render in Multiple Select, you can pass Querys, use get() method for that purpose)
  • You dont need to pass onlyOnForms(), it is by default.
use Everestmx\BelongsToManyField\BelongsToManyField;

public function fields(Request $request){
    BelongsToManyField::make('Role Label', 'roles', 'App\Nova\Role')


  • Method optionsLabel('columnName'), this method is when you don't have column 'name' in your table and you want to label by another column name. By default it tracks by label 'name'
use Everestmx\BelongsToManyField\BelongsToManyField;

public function fields(Request $request){
    BelongsToManyField::make('Role Label', 'roles', 'App\Nova\Role')
  • Method isAction(), this method is when you need this field in actions, this puts height of field in 350px, and converts in action.
use Everestmx\BelongsToManyField\BelongsToManyField;

public function fields(Request $request){
    BelongsToManyField::make('Role Label', 'roles', 'App\Nova\Role')

To obtain the data that is send in action do it:

public function handle(ActionFields $fields, Collection $models)
    // Get the expenseTypes from the request because the Field BelongsToManyField does not send it
    $values = array_column(json_decode(request()->roles, true),'id');
    foreach ($models as $model) {


This package implement all Laravel Validations, you need to pass the rules in rules method, rules are listed on laravel validations rules for arrays*.

use Everestmx\BelongsToManyField\BelongsToManyField;

public function fields(Request $request){
    BelongsToManyField::make('Role Label', 'roles', 'App\Nova\Role')
        ->rules('required', 'min:1', 'max:5', 'size:3' new CustomRule),

For translations of this validations, use normal laravel validations translations.