
OAuth client library

1.0.2 2019-09-20 16:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-21 04:28:26 UTC


This library is a multi-protocol client based on OAuth.

Supported protocols are: OAuth 1.0, OAuth 1.0a, OAuth 2.0 and OpenID 1.0

This library can be configured to work with any platform providing services or resources based on these protocols.

The configuration of some providers is integrated in the library (built-in providers) which allows to use their services with a minimum of parameters.

For those who are not integrated, an array of options allows you to control access to services and resources. This array contains the list of endpoints, the mapping of non-standard fields, the identifiers registered with the provider as well as the way (strategy) to compose access requests.


  • PHP >=7.1.3
  • symfony/http-client >= 4.3


From the root directory of your application, run: composer require eureka2/oauth-client


Low-level requests to a builtin OAuth provider

use eureka2\OAuth\Client\OAuthClient;

try {
   $client = OAuthClient::create('Google');
   $client->setClientId('<YOUR CLIENT ID>');
   $client->setClientSecret('<YOUR CLIENT SECRET>');
   $client->setRedirectUri('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
   $user = (object) [];
   if ($client->initialize([
       'strategy' => [
           'offline_access' => true
   ])) {
       if ($client->authenticate()) {
           if (!empty($client->getAccessToken())) {
               $user = $client->getResourceOwner();
   if ($client->shouldExit()) {
   // Do something with $user
} catch (\Exception $e) {
   // Do something with $e

High-level request to a builtin OAuth provider

use eureka2\OAuth\Client\OAuthClient;

try {
   $client = OAuthClient::create('Google');
   $options = [ // See the full list of options below
       'provider' => [
           'registration' => [
               'keys' => [
                   'client_id' => '<YOUR CLIENT ID>',
                   'client_secret' => '<YOUR CLIENT SECRET>',
                   'redirect_uri' => 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']
       'strategy' => [
           'offline_access' => true
   $user = $client->fetchResourceOwner($options);
   // Do something with $user
} catch (\Exception $e) {
   // Do something with $e


$options = [
  'provider' => [
    'protocol' => [
      'name' => 'string',
      'version' => 'string'
    'endpoints' => [
      'discovery_endpoint' => 'string',
      'authorization_endpoint' => 'string',
      'token_endpoint' => 'string',
      'registration_endpoint' => 'string',
      'introspection_endpoint' => 'string',
      'revocation_endpoint' => 'string',
      'request_token_endpoint' => 'string',
      'userinfo_endpoint' => 'string',
      'end_session_endpoint' => 'string',
      'pin_dialog_url' => 'string',
      'jwks_uri' => 'string'
    'mapping' => [ // see and
      'user_id_field' => 'string',
      'name_field' => 'string',
      'given_name_field' => 'string',
      'family_name_field' => 'string',
      'middle_name_field' => 'string',
      'nickname_field' => 'string',
      'preferred_username_field' => 'string',
      'profile_field' => 'string',
      'picture_field' => 'string',
      'website_field' => 'string'
      'email_field' => 'string',
      'email_verified_field' => 'string',
      'gender_field' => 'string',
      'birthdate_field' => 'string',
      'zoneinfo_field' => 'string',
      'locale_field' => 'string',
      'phone_number_field' => 'string',
      'phone_number_verified_field' => 'string',
      'updated_at_field' => 'string',
      'formatted_field' => 'string',
      'street_address_field' => 'string',
      'locality_field' => 'string',
      'region_field' => 'string',
      'postal_code_field' => 'string',
      'country_field' => 'string'
    'registration' => [
      'keys' => [
        'client_id' => 'string',
        'client_secret' => 'string',
        'redirect_uri' => 'string',
        'realm' => 'string',
        'api_key' => 'string',
        'pin' => 'string'
      'credentials' => [
        'username' => 'string',
        'password' => 'string'
  'strategy' => [
    'reauthentication_parameter' => 'string',
    'offline_access' => 'boolean',
    'offline_access_parameter' => 'string',
    'append_state_to_redirect_uri' => 'string',
    'authorization_in_header' => 'boolean',
    'parameters_in_url' => 'boolean',
    'token_request_method' => 'string',
    'signature_method' => 'string',
    'signature_certificate_file' => 'string',
    'access_token_authentication' => 'string',
    'access_token_parameter' => 'string',
    'default_access_token_type' => 'string',
    'store_access_token_response' => 'boolean',
    'refresh_token_authentication' => 'string',
    'grant_type' => 'string',
    'get_token_with_api_key' => 'boolean',
    'access_token_content_type' => 'string',
    'access_token_language' => 'string',
    'scope' => 'string'
  'storage' => [
     'type' => 'string',
     'key' => 'string',
     'dsn' => 'string'
Name Type Values Default Description string openid, oauth oauth The OAuth-based protocol supported by the OAuth provider
provider.protocol.version string 1.0, 1.0a, 2.0 2.0 Version of the protocol supported by the OAuth provider
provider.endpoints.discovery_endpoint string URL that returns a JSON list of the OpenID/OAuth endpoints, supported scopes and claims, public keys
provider.endpoints.authorization_endpoint string URL of the OAuth provider to redirect the browser so the user can grant access to the application.
provider.endpoints.token_endpoint string URL of the OAuth provider endpoint used to obtain an ID token, access token, and refresh token
provider.endpoints.registration_endpoint string URL of an administrator managed service that is used to dynamically register, update, delete, and retrieve information about an OAuth client
provider.endpoints.introspection_endpoint string URL of the OAuth provider endpoint used to inspect the underlying authorisation properties of a token.
provider.endpoints.revocation_endpoint string URL of the OAuth provider endpoint that enables clients to notify that an issued token is no longer needed and must be revoked
provider.endpoints.request_token_endpoint string URL of the OAuth provider endpoint to request the initial token for OAuth 1.0 and 1.0a servers.
provider.endpoints.userinfo_endpoint string URL of the OAuth provider endpoint that returns Claims about the authenticated user.
provider.endpoints.end_session_endpoint string URL of the OAuth provider endpoint that allow a client to clear the provider-side session and cookies for a web browser.
provider.endpoints.pin_dialog_url string URL of the OAuth provider to redirect the browser so the user can grant access to your application for PIN-based authorization.
provider.endpoints.jwks_uri string URL for the OAuth Provider's JWK Set used for JSON Web Signature and/or JSON Web Encryption keys (JWK).
provider.mapping.user_id_field string sub The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user identifier.
provider.mapping.name_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user full name.
provider.mapping.given_name_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user given name(s).
provider.mapping.family_name_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user family name(s).
provider.mapping.middle_name_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user middle name(s).
provider.mapping.nickname_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user casual name.
provider.mapping.preferred_username_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user preferred username.
provider.mapping.profile_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the URL of the user profile.
provider.mapping.picture_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the URL of the user picture.
provider.mapping.website_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the URL of the user website.
provider.mapping.email_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user preferred email address.
provider.mapping.email_verified_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user email verified flag.
provider.mapping.gender_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user gender (female or male).
provider.mapping.birthdate_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user birth date.
provider.mapping.zoneinfo_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user zoneinfo.
provider.mapping.locale_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user locale.
provider.mapping.phone_number_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user phone number.
provider.mapping.phone_number_verified_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user phone number verified flag.
provider.mapping.updated_at_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user update datetime.
provider.mapping.formatted_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user full mailing address.
provider.mapping.street_address_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user full street address.
provider.mapping.locality_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user city or locality.
provider.mapping.region_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user state, province, prefecture or region.
provider.mapping.postal_code_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user zip code or postal code.
provider.mapping.country_field string The field name received from the userinfo endpoint corresponding to the user country name.
provider.registration.keys.client_id string Identifier of the application registered with the OAuth provider.
provider.registration.keys.client_secret string Secret value assigned to the application when it is registered with the OAuth provider.
provider.registration.keys.redirect_uri string The URL registered with the OAuth provider that it must use after user authentication. For PIN-based authorization, set this variable to 'oob' (out-of-box)
provider.registration.keys.realm string Realm of authorization for OpenID Connect
provider.registration.keys.api_key string Identifier of the API key provided by the OAuth provider if it is required for authentication string Value of the PIN code for PIN-based authorization (redirect_uri = 'oob').
provider.registration.credentials.username string The user name to use to obtain authorization using a password (grant_type = 'password').
provider.registration.credentials.password string The password to use to obtain authorization using a password (grant_type = 'password').
strategy.reauthentication_parameter string The parameters to add to the OAuth provider authorization endpoint URL in case of new authentication.
strategy.offline_access bool true, false false Specify whether it will be necessary to call the API when the user is not present and the provider supports renewing expired access tokens using refresh tokens.
strategy.offline_access_parameter string The parameter to add to the OAuth provider authorization endpoint URL when offline access is requested
strategy.append_state_to_redirect_uri string state The name of the OAuth session state variable, if different from the standard name
strategy.authorization_in_header bool true, false true Determines if the OAuth parameters should be passed via HTTP Authorization request header.
strategy.parameters_in_url bool true, false false Determines if the API call parameters should be moved to the calling URL.
strategy.token_request_method string GET, POST GET The HTTP method that should be used to request tokens from the provider
strategy.signature_method string PLAINTEXT, HMAC-SHA1, RSA-SHA1 HMAC-SHA1 The method to generate the signature for API request parameters values (Oauth 1.0 or 1.0a)
strategy.signature_certificate_file string The full path of the file containing a PEM encoded certificate/private key if signature_method is 'RSA-SHA1'
strategy.access_token_authentication string basic, none Determines if the requests to obtain a new access token should use authentication to pass the application client ID and secret.
strategy.access_token_parameter string oauth_token, access_token The name of the access token parameter to be passed in API call requests.
strategy.default_access_token_type string The type of access token to be assumed when the OAuth provider does not specify an access token type.
strategy.store_access_token_response bool true, false false Option to determine if the original response for the access token request should be stored
strategy.refresh_token_authentication string no Option to determine if the requests to refresh an expired access token should use authentication to pass the application client ID and secret.
strategy.grant_type string client_credentials, password, authorization_code authorization_code The type of grant to obtain the OAuth 2 access token.
strategy.get_token_with_api_key bool true, false false Option to determine if the access token should be retrieved using the API key value instead of the client secret.
strategy.access_token_content_type string Content type to be assumed when retrieving the response to a request to retrieve the access token.
strategy.access_token_language string Language to be assumed when retrieving the response to a request to retrieve the access token.
strategy.scope string Permissions that your application needs to call the OAuth provider APIs
storage.type string session, cookie, apcu, pdo session The session storage mode (session: in $_SESSion, cookie: in browser encrypted cookies, apcu: in APC user store, pdo: in a PDO database)
storage.key string A key used to encrypt the cookies when the storage mode is 'cookie'
storage.dsn string The Data Source Name, or DSN, contains the information required to connect to the database if the storage mode is 'pdo'

Static methods

Name Description
OAuthClient::create Creates a OAuth client instance according to the given parameters.
OAuthClient::getConnectedResourceOwner Returns the last connected resource owner if there is one.


Name Description
initialize Initialize the class variables and internal state. It must be called before calling other class functions.
isAuthenticated Checks if the user is authenticated with the current OAuth provider.
authenticate Process the OAuth protocol interaction with the OAuth provider.
callAPI Send a HTTP request to the Web services API using a previously obtained access token via OAuth.
getResourceOwner Returns the information about the resource owner using a previously obtained access token via OAuth.
fetchResourceOwner Performs the entire authentication process (initialization, authentication, ...) and returns information about the resource owner.
finalize Clean up resources that may be used when processing the OAuth protocol or executing API calls.
checkAccessToken Check if the access token has been retrieved and is valid.
introspectToken Determines the active state of a token and the meta-information about this token.
resetAccessToken Reset the access token to a state back when the user has not yet authorized the access to the OAuth server API.
canRevokeToken Determines whether the revokeToken function can be called.
revokeToken Revoke a previously obtained token so it becomes invalid.
canLogOut Determines whether the logOut function can be called.
logOut Calls the end-session endpoint to notify the provider that the end-user has logged out of the relying party site.
shouldExit Determine if the current script should be exited.
getAccessToken Returns the obtained access token upon successful OAuth authentication.
getRefreshToken Returns the obtained refresh token upon successful OAuth authentication.
getIdToken Returns the obtained ID token upon successful OpenID authentication.
getProvider Returns the current instance of the OAuthProvider class.
getStrategy Returns the current instance of the OAuthClientStrategy class.

API documentation

Documentation of oauth-client classes

Copyright and license

© 2019 Eureka2 - Jacques Archimède. Code released under the MIT license.