
A lean and slim ORM for PHP that does the minimum.

dev-master 2013-04-14 22:06 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 05:09:45 UTC


Copyright (c) 2013 Guillaume Pasquet, Licensed under the GPLv3 license
Version 0.1


If you use Composer, then simply add objectomatic to your dependencies and run composer install.

If you wish to use the library directly, a load.php file is provided within the src folder that will load up all objects for you.

Finally, if you want to use objectomatic as part of an Assegai installation, then place the folder within the custom modules folder. You may then configure the connection like so:

$conf['modules'] = array(
$conf['objectomatic'] = array(
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'database' => 'database',
    'username' => 'username',
    'password' => 'password',


You'll need to connect to your database first. This is done by instanctiating a database driver. At the moment only MySQL is supported.

$db = new \objectomatic\MySQLPDO(array(
    'host'     => 'localhost',
    'database' => 'database',
    'username' => 'username',
    'password' => 'password',
    'port'     => 3336 // Optional

You'll need to create objects that can be stored by objectomatic. Those need to extend the class objectomatic\Storable. They may have any number of fields, but the id field, which is automatically added.

Fields are properties, but need to be instantiated in the _type_init() method like so:

class Person extends \objectomatic\Storable
    protected $_name;
    protected $_color;

    function _type_init() {
        $this->_name = new \objectomatic\fields\Char(array('max_length' => 64));
        $this->_color = new \objectomatic\fields\Text();

    function getName() {
        return $this->_name->getVal();

    function setName($val) {
        return $this;

    function getColor() {
        return $this->_color->getVal();

    function setColor($val) {
        return $this;

Note that afterwards, you shouldn't access the properties directly but use their getVal() and setVal() methods.


Fields are objects that implement the \objectomatic\fields\IField interface. They are simply containers for value that also do on-the-fly validation and can be converted to native database types.

Objectomatic provides the following fields in the namespace \objectomatic\fields:

  • Binary
  • Boolean
  • Char
  • Date
  • DateTime
  • Email
  • FilePath
  • Float
  • Integer
  • IPAddress
  • NullBoolean
  • PositiveInteger
  • Text
  • Time
  • URL

Fields can take options, and some even require options. Field options are passed within the field's constructor as an associative array. Available options are:

  • max_length
  • null: whether the field is nullable

A word about NULL: NULL is both a special value in databases and PHP. This can be problematic, so the fields use instances of the class NullFieldValue whenever their database value is set to NULL.

Driver methods

Storable objects are considered inanimate. The driver does the hard job through a set of methods:

  • load(Storable $object, $id = null): loads values into $object. If $object has an ID set, then loads this. For convenience, you can also specify the ID right away.
  • loadMulti(Storable $object, $where = null): The equivalent of an SQL select. $object is only used for its type, and $where is the WHERE bit of SQL. Returns an array of $objects.
  • create(Storable $object): Creates the table associated with an object.
  • insert(Storable $object): Saves the object to the database. Will also populates $object's id with that which was saved.
  • update(Storable $object): Updates $object in the databse. $object must have an id.
  • updateMulti(Storable $replacement, $where = null): updates multiple objects in the database. The $replacement is used for its type and also to replace fields that aren't NullFieldValue.
  • delete(Storable $object): Deletes an object.
  • deleteMulti(Storable $object, $where = null): Deletes many objects based on the SQL $where clause.
  • drop(Storable $object): Drops the object's table.