
Glue library that glues NuSoap together with the API of the native PHP SoapClient

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

1.3.2 2015-10-19 12:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-12-31 12:27:48 UTC


This library is a glue library that makes the 'classic' NuSOAP library compatible with the convenient API of the standard PHP extension based SoapClient library. I am having trouble getting the PHP library to work with private keys and more complex security options. The CURL based NuSOAP library is much easier to use/debug.


This package is on packagist, << insert link here as soon as it actually is on packagist >>.

It can be installed using:

composer require esyst/soapclient


The usage is largely compatible with .

I have implemented __getLastRequest and __getLastResponse.

There are a few extra options for SoapClient:

Option Default Type Description
curl_verbose 0 boolean Let the curl library return verbose output for debugging
soapclient_debug 0 boolean Let the NuSoap library return debug output