
A tiny QRCode generator (single file, no dependencies)

v1.0.0 2022-12-08 10:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-08 14:07:44 UTC



A tiny QR Code generator (single file, no dependencies)


  • PHP 5.4 or newer
  • PHP-GD exntension


Via composer:

composer require esyede/tiny-qrcode

Manual install:

  1. Download the archive from the release page
  2. Extract the downloaded archive file

Load file

require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // via composer

require 'path/to/TinyQRCode.php'; // manual

Display image

$data = '';

$qr = new \Esyede\TinyQRCode\TinyQRCode($data);

Save image

$data = '';

$qr = new \Esyede\TinyQRCode\TinyQRCode($data);

Adjust QRCode options

Altering the error correction level

$data = '';
$options = ['errorCorrectionLevel' => 'H'];

$qr = new \Esyede\TinyQRCode\TinyQRCode($data, $options);

Available error correction levels:

Code Correction Level
L 7%
M 15% (default)
Q 25%
H 30%

Changing the image size

The size of the generated QR image can be adjusted as follows. This does not affect error correction or similar.

$data = '';
$options = ['imageSize' => 30];

$qr = new \Esyede\TinyQRCode\TinyQRCode($data, $options);

Changing the code version

The version of the QR code can be altered by passing options to the constructor. Note that in most cases this will result in an increase in image size.

$data = '';
$options = ['version' => 5]; // range: 1 - 40

$qr = new \Esyede\TinyQRCode\TinyQRCode($data, $options);

Possible option lists:

Key Type Description
'version' integer Set QR Code version
'imageSize' integer Set output image size
'errorCorrectionLevel' string Set error correction level
'dataPath' string Set custom stub data folder
'imagesPath' string Set custom stub images folder


Released under the MIT License