
An east-oriented StatsD client

dev-master 2015-04-29 09:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 09:46:04 UTC


An east-oriented StatsD client written in PHP!

Just like statsd-php, estvoyage\statsd is a StatsD client written in PHP.
However, it was designed using the east compass, so all public method in all classes return $this, a new instance of the class or any value which is not a property of the class.
Why? Because the rigorous application of this unique rule decreases coupling and the amount of code that needs to be written, while increasing the clarity, cohesion, flexibility, reuse and testability of that code.
In fact, using east-oriented principle force using abstraction via interface and the lack of getter force using the tell, don't ask principle, inversion of control, depedency injection and interfaces.


Minimal PHP version to use estvoyage\statsd is 5.6.
The recommended way to install it is through Composer, just add this in your composer.json and execute php composer.phar install:

    "require": {
        "estvoyage/statsd": "@dev"


In a nutshell:


require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';


class console implements data\consumer
	function dataProviderIs(data\provider $dataProvider)

		return $this;

	function newData(data\data $data)
		echo 'New metric: <' . str_replace("\n", '\n' , $data) . '>' . PHP_EOL;

		return $this;

	function noMoreData()
		return $this;

(new statsd\client\etsy(new metric\consumer\dataConsumer(new console)))
	->newStatsdMetric(new metric\counting(new bucket('gorets')))
	->newStatsdMetric(new metric\counting(new bucket('gorets'), new value(666)))
	->newStatsdMetric(new metric\counting(new bucket('gorets'), new value(999), new sampling(.1)))
	->newStatsdMetric(new metric\timing(new bucket('glork'), new value(320)))
	->newStatsdMetric(new metric\timing(new bucket('glork'), new value(320), new sampling(.1)))
	->newStatsdMetric(new metric\gauge(new bucket('gaugor'), new value(333)))
	->newStatsdMetric(new metric\set(new bucket('uniques'), new value(765)))

/* Output should be something like:
New metric: <gorets:1|c\n>
New metric: <gorets:666|c\n>
New metric: <gorets:999|c|@0.1\n>
New metric: <glork:320|ms\n>
New metric: <glork:320|ms|@0.1\n>
New metric: <gaugor:333|g\n>
New metric: <uniques:765|s\n>

A working script is available in the bundled examples directory, just do php examples/nutshell.php to execute it. The examples directory contains several more interesting examples about packet, mtu, socket and metric provider.

Unit Tests

Setup the test suite using Composer:

$ composer install --dev

Run it using atoum:

$ vendor/bin/atoum


See the bundled CONTRIBUTING file for details.


estvoyage\statsd is released under the FreeBSD License, see the bundled COPYING file for details.