Functional components in PHP

v0.0.1 2017-03-15 14:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-12 19:36:41 UTC


Functional components a la javascript-land, but in PHP.


  1. It's "just PHP", no compiling
  2. Fast (preliminary tests)
  3. Testable: it's just functions that return markup


This is a functional component library. Pass tag name, attributes, and children to the h() function and it will return a formatted string representing the markup you've requested.

require 'path/to/h.php'; // or composer (soon)

echo h('h1')([ 'style' => 'color: tomato' ])( 'Hello World' );

// generates: <h1 style="color: tomato">Hello world</h1>


The h() function returns another function unless it has been passed children, in which case it returns a string of markup. This allows you to create styled components for later reuse and composition.

$button = h('button')(['class'=>'button button--secondary']);

echo $button('Hello world!');

// generates: <h1 class="button button--secondary">Hello world!</button>

Passed attributes are merged with any previously defined attributes.

echo $button([
  'style'=>'font-style: italic'
])('Hello world!');

// generates: <button class="button button--secondary button--rounded" style="font-style: italic">Hello world!</button>

To add children to an existing component, either pass a single h() component to the returned function, or an array of children.

$container = h('div')(['class'=>'wrapper']);

echo $container(
  h('h1')('Hello world!')

// generates: <div class="wrapper"><h1>Hello world!</h1></div>

echo $container([
  h('h1')('Heading One'),
  $button('Click me!')

/* generates:
<div class="wrapper">
  <h1>Heading One</h1>
  <button class="button button--secondary">Click me!</button>

You can also easily turn arrays of data into markup:

$arr = [
  'Book Title One',
  'Book Title Two'

echo $container(
  array_reduce($arr, function($return, $data){
    $return .= h('p')(['style'=>'block'])($data);
    return $return;
  }, '')

/* generates:
<div class="wrapper">
  <p style="display: block">Book Title One</p>
  <p style="display: block">Book Title Two</p>

For more complex components, create a higher order function that returns a formatted h() function:

$table = function( $children ){
  return h('table')(['class'=>'wrapper__table'])(
      h('tr')( $children )

echo $table([
  h('td')('tabular content'),
  h('td')('tabular content'),
  h('td')('tabular content'),
  h('td')('tabular content')

/* generates:
<table class="wrapper__table">
      <td>tabular content</td>
      <td>tabular content</td>
      <td>tabular content</td>
      <td>tabular content</td>