
Simple lib to authenticate trough ldap with some extra features

1.3 2018-01-26 13:25 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 16:58:58 UTC


class for very simple ldap auth cheks if user exists and if he/she is in given group.


$ composer require erwin32/ldap

Init sample

    // Active Directory server
    $ldap_host = "";//IP adress or url

    // Active Directory DN
    $ldap_dn = 'DC=domain,DC=com';//domain in this example is used ""

    // Active Directory user group
    $ldap_user_group = "Group Name";

    // Active Directory manager group
    $ldap_manager_group = "Admins";

    // Domain, for purposes of constructing $user
    $ldap_usr_dom = "";

    //class inicialization
    $ldap=new \LDAP\auth($ldap_host, $ldap_dn, $ldap_user_group, $ldap_manager_group, $ldap_usr_dom);

For auth use like this(expects inicialized class in $ldap)

first argument is username second is passoword

    try {
        $ldap->authenticate($user, $pass);
    } catch (Exception $exc) {

        //this is how we can determine if user dont have corect group but exist on LDAP
            //custom handling

Thumbnail img retrival example

    try {
        $ldap->userInit($user, $pass);
        //we can display it like this
        echo '<img src="'.$ldap->getLDAPimg().'">';

    } catch (Exception $exc) {

        //react to problems

Exeptions Error codes

