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Scripts, tips and tools to replicate and send your Noise measuremnts data to the cloud

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dev-master 2022-10-14 23:30 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-30 01:23:02 UTC


Friendly Devops Cloud Scripts to sincronize your eRuido Noise Station to cloud services

This scripts are written for you to:

Upload eRuido Noise Monitoring Solution device data to a SQL server.

Upload Audio files to your web server or CDN.

Included are examples for FTP and Azure Blob Storage

Upload you device Statistics to your cloud provider

In order to make the best use of these scripts you will need the following third party tools,

dBAMonitor R9 or higher (get it at eRuido sonometric software properly configured.

Please have installed SQL Server Express or Developer SSMS Sql server managment studio or Azure Data Studio. Open and Connect SSMS to you local Sql server instance. And create a database for eRuido. Name it DBAMONITOR

Open dBAMonitor, wait it to start measuring and Stop it. Database settings are better done with no measurments going on.
Go to Settings/Database and click Config. Set values for your Database Connection.

Click on Create Table. A new table called NPS2012 will be created in your database ERUIDO.

We will store data captured by dBAMonitor in our local SQL server instance.

To send our local database data to cloud server We will use a tool called SQLCMD to run SQL scripts that do the magic. And to host SQLCMD we will use simple .BAT Windows files. A linked server will be needed in yourlocal SQL Server instance to send data to cloud servers.

Your database will act as local data buffer.

And from there we will be sending noise measurements to the cloud.

Send2cloud.sql holds the T-SQL Sentence to keep local data sincronized to the cloud.

It will check timestamps and send only newer data to public cloud database server.

It is necessary to create a linked server under server objects, in SSMS pointing to your real cloud sql server.

Linked server names are CASE Sensitive

Finally you have to go through sql Files send2cloud.Sql

And replace your real values for [linked server, port] Your linked server dns name and port. [local pc name.] Your local pc name as it shows at Server Properties in SSMS.

Notepadd++ or text editor Usefull to edit some configuration files

CURL FTP Command line Needed to run Audio file upload scripts. Send your files to your web server automatically via FTP.

AZCopy Microsoft Azure copy utility to send your audios to your blob storage account

FFMPEG Comand line executable FFMPeg is an open source package wich will allow you to compress .WAV files captured by dBAMonitor into a lighter format like ogg, acc, flac or mp3.

Essentia compied packages if you want to extract audio features on your Noise Mesuring Station.

Backup and FTP, to Backup database and send to cloud server.

Data can be sent to any cloud provider, please consider Using our service and help us grow our solutions to help make a quieter planet!

Stay tunned!