
The kit of extensions allows store owners to set up rule for an automated cancellation for orders after a specified time.

2.4.2 2021-10-29 20:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-13 23:11:07 UTC


The kit of extensions allows store owners to set up rule for an automated cancellation for orders after a specified time. Rules are based on order state, payment method, user group, store view. The module also makes it easy to add new conditions. The kit also provides other additional features.

Children Modules

Sales AutoCancel Rule Api - The module serves as application program interface (API) responsible for functionality of order auto cancel rules manage as well as bulk operations.

Sales AutoCancel Rule AdminUi - The module provides UI for Admin Panel of order auto cancel manage as well as bulk operations.

Sales AutoCancel Rule - The extension allows store owners to set up rule for an automated cancellation for orders after a specified time. Rules are based on order state, payment method, user group, store view. The module also makes it easy to add new conditions.

Sales AutoCancel Rule Queue - The module allows you to perform asynchronous order cancellation operations.



Install via Composer

  1. Go to Magento2 root folder

  2. Enter following commands to install module:

    For Magento CE(EE) 2.3.x

    composer require eriocnemis/module-sales-autocancel-rule-kit:2.3.*

    For Magento CE(EE) 2.4.x

    composer require eriocnemis/module-sales-autocancel-rule-kit:2.4.*

    Wait while dependencies are updated.

Completion of installation

  1. Go to Magento2 root folder

  2. Enter following commands:

    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy (optional)


You can uninstall a module only if you’re certain you won’t use it. Instead of uninstalling a module, you can disable it. Pleace, create backup so you can recover the data at a later time.

Uninstall via Composer

  1. Go to Magento2 root folder

  2. Enter following commands to remove:

    composer remove eriocnemis/module-sales-autocancel-rule-kit

Completion of uninstall

  1. Go to Magento2 root folder

  2. Enter following commands:

    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy (optional)


All Free Eriocnemis extensions is distributed under the Open Software License (OSL 3.0), and is thus open source software.


Want to contribute to this extension? The best possibility to provide any code is to open a pull requests on GitHub. Please, see the file for more.


We're also interested in your feedback for the future of our extension. You can submit a suggestion or feature request through the issue tracker. But you must acknowledge and agree that your offer will not prevent Eriocnemis team from using your ideas without obligation to you. General decision will depend on the specific proposal.


If you encounter any problems or bugs, please open a issue. To make this process more effective, we're asking that these include more information to help define them more clearly. Pleace, do not enumerate multiple bugs or feature requests in the same issue. Similarly do not add your issue as a comment to an existing issue. Many issues look similar, but have different causes.

Also note that the issue tracker is not a support forum. If you have questions about how to use the extension, or how to get extension to work, please visit