
a simple dependency injection library

v1.0.4 2020-10-19 04:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-19 13:42:51 UTC


An easily setup dependency injection library that help you can set up Dependency injection in your project faster.


Step I.

Mark with your class as @Export() to Simple DI release this class need to be keep on container. In any other class. if you want to inject by property, mark this property as @Import()

use SimpleDi\Annotations\Export;
use SimpleDi\Annotations\Import;

* @Export()
class TrainingPlanController extends AbstractController
     * @Import()
     * @var MessageFactory
    protected MessageFactory $mf;
     * @Import()
     * @var CourseService
    protected CourseService $courseService;

We have an hacked for class that ended with Controller. It doesn't need mark as @Export at all.

Step II

I have a small script that find any class that mark with @Export and create your own $register array. so you don't need to create by hand anymore. Stand at your project root. then run this command:

  • PROJECT = root project folder
  • FILE = the file that store registry map
PROJECT=application FILE=proxy/registry.php ./vendor/ericsnguyen/simple-di/bin/generate

it would print some error, but ignore it, after run, double check it.

Step III

At your index.php or any start endpoint file. put the configuration for SimpleDi

// you can put your `array` that act as your old DI container to it as param
$container = new class implements \SimpleDi\Container\IContainer(){
    // in my library we have SdContainer class that implements IContainer
    // but you can implement one if you want.

$register = [
    YourInterface::class=> YourImplementClass:class

       // I have a variable $GLOBALS act as an instances holder for my container
      'container'=>new SdContainer($GLOBALS),
      // an $register array.
      'registry'=> include PROJECT_ROOT."/proxy/registry.php",
       // it is optional -> get any singleton existed in your project, but you can ignore it.
      'root_class'=> Singleton::class

and at anywhere you want to get this instance:

 // at my routes table reader.
$controller = App::resolver($controllerName);