ericmartel/codeception-email-mailhog dependents (8) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Gatedcontent is lead-capture extension for TYPO3. The extension provides editors with a configurable form element to collect user data. In exchange for personal information like e-mail address, name, company etc., visitors can access downloads or a single TYPO3 page.

  • janhelke/calendar-api

    A basic implementation of a working api for ext:cal to uncouple the cal API from the view.

  • janhelke/calendar-api-client

    The client side API access point to use for example with a calendar frontend.

  • janhelke/calendar-demonstration

    This extensions provides automatically generated entries for the calendar extension.

  • janhelke/calendar-foundation

    The foundation for the calendar. At the core it is the successor of ext:cal.

  • janhelke/calendar-frontend

    A basic implementation of a working frontend for ext:cal to uncouple the cal view from the foundation.

  • janhelke/calendar-migration

    This extension aims to migrate all content from ext:cal to the new calendar_framework.

  • pallino/t3registration

    Extension for managing registration form and reserved area TYPO3 site