
OOP Normalization

v0.6.0 2022-03-09 19:22 UTC


PHP Stan Badge codecov

The normalization which is under the object control.

  1. All private object properties should be ready for normalization. the normalization process is easy to customize by adding or changing the sequence of the normalizers in the NormalizationFacade
  2. To allow the normalization customization Object has to implement the next interfaces:
    1. NormalizableInterface
    2. NormalizationFacadeInterface



The basic interface. Could be used separately to build fully manual normalization. How:

  1. any objet implements NormalizableInterface
  2. It is called object::normalize in NormalizableInterface::normalize for all required to be present in normalized view objects


If it is needed to have all normalization happen automatically then NormalizableTrait has to be used with NormalizableInterface. In that case all objects should be supported by the DefaultNormalizationFacade


Will normalize all private object properties by the next rules:

  1. AsIsKeyDecorator the property name will become the array key without any decorations
  2. all properties will be processed by predefined normalizers:
    1. NotObjectNormalizer will return not objects as is
    2. ListNormalizableToNormalizableAdapterNormalizer will process the array of normalizable objects
      1. all keys will be left as is AsIsKeyDecorator
      2. all values will be processed in according to the current rules by DefaultNormalizationFacade
    3. NormalizableNormalizer will call NormalizableInterface::normalize
    4. WithTypeNormalizableNormalizerDecorator is decorates the NormalizableNormalizer to add @type field with ShortClassName of normalized object
    5. ScalarableNormalizer will get the scalar value in object implements ScalarableInterface
    6. StringableNormalizer will get the scalar value in object implements StringableInterface
    7. and the last one is FailNormalizer which wil throw an exception if no Normalizer was found


Should be implenented by all Normalizable objects to support the normalization customization. The normalization should be initiated by the custom NormalizationFacade implementation and it will be set to all Normalizable objects recursively