
v0.2.0 2024-05-21 11:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-21 11:09:50 UTC


PHPionner recipes

PHPionner opinionated recipes for quick and easy PHP server configuration for Deployer.

You can use PHPionner or require these recipes directly into your project.

It installs:

  • PHP 8.2 or 8.3
  • Nginx
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Supervisor
  • Node.js 22, 21, 20 or 18
  • Certbot

Also, it can do some common tasks:

  • Create sites
  • Create users
  • Configure a floating IP
  • Set up Laravel schedule and queues
  • Set up SSL certificates via Let's Encrypt

Getting Started

composer require ephemeralbits/phpionner-recipes
./vendor/bin/dep init

Modify deploy.php adding:

// Add this after the require statements
require './vendor/ephemeralbits/phpionner-recipes/recipes/autoload.php';
// Add this after set() calls
set('phpionner/user_name', 'deployer');

Replace deployer for your desired username.

Configure a new server

Configures a new server to serve PHP projects. It requires Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and a root user.

./vendor/bin/dep phpionner/configure -o remote_user=root

Create a new site

./vendor/bin/dep phpionner/site:create