
A pre-configured edition for the Sandstone microframework

1.3.0 2018-04-26 16:43 UTC


Build a real-time RestApi !

Sandstone is a PHP microframework designed to build a RestApi working together with a websocket server.

To create an application with already installed a database, Symfony web profiler... in a Docker environment, you may be insterested in Sandstone edtion.

This way, you can quickly bootstrap a real time application, then be guided by the cookbook to add rest api endpoints, websocket topics...

💬 New (18 April 2018)

I opened a chat channel where you can get help, give feedback, and talk about Sandstone (Mattermost instance):

💬 https://framateam.org/sandstone 💬


See Get started with Sandstone edition.


See Sandstone cookbook.


This library is under MIT License.