
An all encompassing array manager.

v1.0.0 2016-10-11 23:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 21:27:48 UTC


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An all encompassing array manager.


$ composer require enzyme/collection


You can create a collection from a standard PHP array. Once you have a collection, you can make use of all the methods it exposes.

use Acme\Mailer;
use Enzyme\Collection\Collection;

$users = new Collection(['John123', 'Jane456', 'Harry789']);

// Send each user an email.
$users->each(function ($user) {

The collection implements ArrayAccess, Iterator and Countable, so you can use it as a standard array.

use Enzyme\Collection\Collection;

$users = new Collection(['John123', 'Jane456', 'Harry789']);

var_dump($users[0]); // 'John123'

In the example above, the equivalent and much more readable method would be $collection->first().

Available methods

Method signature Description
count() Return the number of elements in the collection.
each(Closure $fn) Execute the callback function provided on each item in the collection. The callback function is passed $value, $key as arguments. If the callback returns false, the function will return early and will not continue iterating over the remaining items left in the collection.
except(array $keys) Return a new collection containing all the keys in the current collection except those whose keys match the ones provided.
filter(Closure $fn) Return a new collection will all items that pass the given callback functions truth test.
first() Get the value of the first item in the collection. If the collection is empty, a CollectionException will be thrown.
firstOrDefault($default = null) Same as above, except instead of throwing an exception, return the provided default value.
get($key) Get the value associated with the specified key. If the key does not exist, a CollectionException will be thrown.
getOrDefault($key, $default = null) Same as above, except instead of throwing an exception, return the provided default value.
has($key, $value = null) Checks whether the collection has the specified key, and/or key/value pair.
hasCount($min, $max = null) Checks whether the collection has the minimum count specified, or a count that falls within the range specified.
isEmpty() Whether the collection is empty.
keys() Returns an array of all the keys used by the collection.
last() Get the value of the last item in the collection. If the collection is empty, a CollectionException will be thrown.
lastOrDefault($default = null) Same as above, except instead of throwing an exception, return the provided default value.
make(array $initial) static Static helper method to instantiate a new collection. Useful for when you want to immediately chain a method. Eg: Collection::make([1, 2, 3])->map(...)
map(Closure $fn) Execute the callback function provided on each item in the collection. The callback function is passed $value, $key as arguments. The return value of the callback function will be saved into a new collection and that collection will be returned as a result
mapWithKey(Closure $fn) Execute the given callback function for each element in this collection and save the results to a new collection with the specified key. The callback function should return a 1 element associative array, eg: ['key' => 'value'] to be mapped.
only(array $keys) Return a new collection containing only the items in the current collection whose keys match the ones provided.
pluck($pluck_key, $deep = true) Grab and return a new collection will all values that have the specified key. By default, this will traverse multidimensional arrays.
push($value) Return a new collection with the given value pushed onto a copy of the current collection's items.
pushArray(array $data) Return a new collection with the given array pushed onto a copy of the current collection's items.
pushWithKey($key, $value) Return a new collection with the given key/value pair pushed onto a copy of the current collection's items.
sort(Closure $fn) Return a new collection after the user defined sort function has been executed on the items. Same callback function parameters as the PHP usort function.
toArray() Returns the current collection as a standard PHP array.


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MIT - Copyright (c) 2016 Tristan Strathearn, see LICENSE