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1.0.4 2023-07-07 13:36 UTC


This extension provides scheduled task capability Yii framework 2.0.

The extension allows creating repeatable tasks or one-time tasks in the future.

Metodo is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE.md file.


  1. composer require enterdev/metodo
  2. composer install
  3. yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/enterdev/metodo/src/migrations


Metodo consists of two parts: crons and tasks. Cron is a rule to create tasks, they are used to schedule tasks. Tasks, however, are specific instructions, jobs to be performed. Tasks may or may not have a cron.

Metodo offers a daemon that runs tasks, but you can also run them manually if you know you're doing.


Add metodo to your config modules

    'modules' => [
        'metodo' => [
            'class' => 'enterdev\\metodo\\Module'

Running the daemon

run on supervisor or similar type of software:

yii metodo/scheduler/daemon

Creating a cron

The simplest cron that creates a task that will run every day:

$dailyJob1      = new MetodoCron();
$dailyJob1->tag = 'System';

$dailyJob1->hour   = '0';
$dailyJob1->minute = '0';
$dailyJob1->second = '0';

$dailyJob1->exec_class = 'MockJob';
$dailyJob1->method     = 'job1';

see MetodoCronTest.php for more examples