
Yii2 chart.js 2.0 widget

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1.0.2 2016-06-07 11:07 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 15:56:52 UTC


Yii2 Chart widget with support for chart.js 2.0.


To install the widget in your application, run

composer require enscope/yii2-chartjs-widget:~1.0

or add

"enscope/yii2-chartjs-widget" : "~1.0"

to the require section of your application's composer.json file.

It is possible to use the source code directly, but it is recommended to use composer, for your own good.

Basic Usage

Main class of the widget is ChartJsWidget, which is the only one you need in your views. Basic configuration goes like this:

    'chartType' => ChartJsWidget::CHART_LINE,
    'canvasOptions' => [
        'height' => 200
    'chartOptions' => [
        'animation' => false,
        'bezierCurve' => false,
        'maintainAspectRatio' => false,
        'responsive' => true,
        'tooltips' => [
            'callbacks' => [
                'label' => ChartJsWidget::js('function (item) { return (item.yLabel + "%"); }')
    'chartData' => $chartData

All supported chart types are defined as constants:

const CHART_LINE = 'line';
const CHART_BAR = 'bar';
const CHART_RADAR = 'radar';
const CHART_POLAR_AREA = 'polarArea';
const CHART_PIE = 'pie';
const CHART_DOUGHNUT = 'doughnut';

To include javascript callbacks in configuration, ChartJsWidget::js(..) helper is available to allow for simple expression instantiation even for users, who are using Smarty as a templating engine for their app (like in this case). The helper simply instantiates yii\web\JsExpression with specified string.

The properties of the widget are as follows:

  • $id is user-definable HTML5 Canvas identifier for the widget, but can be left blank and is auto-generated in that case
  • $canvasOptions are the HTML attributes directly injected into the <canvas> tag
  • $chartType is one of the before-mentioned chart types supported by chart.js library (in case, there are some new chart types and the widget is lagging behind, you can always freely use strings as chart type names, but it is recommended to use the constants)
  • $chartData is the data of the chart, directly set to data key of the Chart() configuration
  • $chartOptions are the configuration options of the chart

Planned Enhancements

  • support of global chart defaults
  • chart-specific data and options classes to simplify instantiation


This widget was inspired by 2amigOS! ChartJs widget, which unfortunatelly was not available for chart.js 2.0, so I decided to create a new one with some inspiration borrowed in terms of basic structure.