
The WordPress boilerplate for WordPress development with Laravel ready

1.0.0 2024-05-12 18:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-05 08:48:16 UTC


This is the modern WordPress setup for shared-host development.

  • It uses Apache for Docker to make your development simple and it would be consistent for deployment to shared-host (mostly use Apache)
  • It includes task runner based on webpack to allow theme, plugins assets compiling
  • It also includes phpcs and phpcbf to ensure the the codestyle of the project


  • Create the project (stable version)
composer create-project enpii/wp-site-enpii-boilerplate <folder-name>
  • Use development version (branch master)
composer create-project -s dev enpii/wp-site-enpii-boilerplate <folder-name>

in case you want to specify the branch (e.g. branch develop)

composer create-project -s dev enpii/wp-site-enpii-boilerplate:dev-develop <folder-name>
  • Ensure that you have the .env file, if it doesn't exists, you can copy from the example file
cp .env.example .env
  • Then use the appropriate env variables for you working environment, remember to check the SALTS section to use correct ones.


  • Update the dependencies
XDEBUG_MODE=off composer update

Deploy with Docker

  • Start all containers
docker-compose up -d

then the website would be available at (the port 19080 can be edited in .env file but you need to down and up the containers again)

  • Update composer with Docker
docker-compose exec -e XDEBUG_MODE=off wordpress composer update
  • Run phpcs
docker compose exec wordpress yarn phpcs


docker compose exec wordpress yarn phpcbf

to fix the codestyle issue

  • Run wp-app artisan
docker-compose exec --user=webuser wordpress ./wp-enpii-base-artisan wp-app:hello


docker-compose exec --user=webuser wordpress wp enpii-base artisan wp-app:hello

Running wp-cli

  • With Docker
docker compose exec --user=webuser wordpress wp enpii-base info
  • On local machine, stay on the project root
wp enpii-base info

Working with GIT

  • You can put your own plugins, themes, mu-plugins to corresponding folders. Then if you use git, you can add these things to your repository by:
    • Update the ./wp-content/.gitignore to allow your plugins, mu-plugins, themes
    • e.g. you have a plugin called hello-world, you need to add this
    • Then you can git add <your-plugin-folder> to the repo
  • To ensure the Git hook runs automatically on the server at the post-commit stage—executing phpcbf to fix PHP CodeSniffer (PHPCS) errors, running phpstan for verification, and staging modified files—contributors need to clone the repository and set up the core.hooksPath configuration. If core.hooksPath isn’t already configured, make sure it is set up by running:
git config core.hooksPath .githooks

Compiling assets (CSS, JS)

  • This repo consists of a sample plugin Demoda and a sample theme Appeara Alpha, it has the webpack configs to compile plugin and theme CSS and JS

To install dependencies

docker compose exec wordpress yarn install

Compile plugin assets

docker compose exec wordpress yarn build-plugin

or to watch and compile

docker compose exec wordpress yarn dev-plugin

Similar to the theme with

docker compose exec wordpress yarn build-theme

and watch

docker compose exec wordpress yarn dev-theme