
Laravel package to create navigation menus, based on KnpLabs/KnpMenu. Fork of dowilcox/KnpMenu-Laravel package

2.2.2 2016-11-22 10:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:10:54 UTC


Laravel 5 package to create navigation menus, based on KnpLabs/KnpMenu.


Add to your composer.json file

"enimiste/knp-menu-laravel": "2.*"

Register the package

In config/app.php add the service provider and alias.

'Menu' => Dowilcox\KnpMenu\Facades\Menu::class,

To Access the menu service directly :

$menu_builder = app('knp_menu.menu');

Publish config

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=knp_menu

Custom Rendrer

To define your custom renderer :

  • Implements the interface "Knp\Menu\Renderer\RendererInterface"
  • Register a binding to "knp_menu.renderer" that returns a new instance of your new custom renderer. To get the matcher use $app["knp_menu.matcher"]

Custom Voter

To add custom Voter you implement the interface "Dowilcox\KnpMenu\Voter\OrderedVoterInterface" and register it in the service container with the tag "knp_menu.voter"
Set the lower order for Voter that should be executed in first.
It is recommended order values between 0 and than 100.
Your Voters will be executed first before the built in ones.

  • RouteNameVoter (100)
  • UriVoter (200 and 300)

Blade directives

  • @rendermenu("main" [, {"firstClass":"first2","lastClass":"last2"}]) or @rendermenu("main" [, "config_name"]): It renders the menu defined by the name "menu_name". It is a shortcut to echo \Menu::render(\Menu::get('menu_name'))
  • @menu('menu_name') .... @endmenu : between these two directives you have access to a variable named $menu holding the menu defined by the name "menu_name". This object is an instance of Knp\Menu\MenuItem


$menu = Menu::create('main-menu', ['childrenAttributes' => ['class' => 'nav']]);

* This is the list of possible options for a menu item :
*     'uri' => null,
*     'label' => null,
*     'attributes' => array(),
*     'linkAttributes' => array(),
*     'childrenAttributes' => array(),
*     'labelAttributes' => array(),
*     'extras' => array(),
*     'current' => null,
*     'display' => true,
*     'displayChildren' => true,

$menu->addChild('Home', [
'uri' => url('/'),
'attributes' => [
 'extras' => [
    'routes' => [
        ['route' => 'route_name_1'],
        ['route' => 'route_name_2'],
$menu->addChild('Users', ['uri' => route('admin.users.index')]);
$menu->addChild('Roles', ['uri' => route('admin.roles.index')]);
$menu->addChild('Menu', ['uri' => url('menu')]);

echo Menu::render($menu);
echo Menu::render($menu, $custom_render_options);//$custom_render_options is an array

Will output:

<ul class="nav">
  <li class="first">
    <a href="http://localhost:8000">Home</a>
  <li class='your_css_class'>
    <a href="http://localhost:8000/admin/users">Users</a>
  <li class='your_css_class'>
    <a href="http://localhost:8000/admin/roles">Roles</a>
  <li class="current active last your_css_class">
    <a href="http://localhost:8000/menu">Menu</a>