
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the vaened/laravel-sequenceable package instead.

Facilitates the generation and autocompletion of a sequential value in the database

v5.0.0 2024-12-24 20:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-25 00:04:23 UTC


Build Status Software License

Laravel Sequenceable is a library to generate and manage sequences for laravel models.

// simple sequence

// sequence with scope

// sequence with scope and fixed length


Laravel Sequenceable requires PHP 8.1.

To get the latest version, simply require the project using Composer:

composer require vaened/laravel-sequenceable

Now. Publish the configuration file.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag='sequenceable'

And finally run migrations.

php artisan migrate

Basic Usage

Getting started with the library is as simple as using the Sequenceable trait and implementing the SequenceableContract interface, after that you only need to specify the sequences you want to generate.

namespace App;

use Vaened\Sequenceable\Contracts\SequenceableContract;
use Vaened\Sequenceable\Sequenceable;
use Vaened\Sequenceable\Serie;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Document extends Model implements SequenceableContract
    use Sequenceable;

    public function sequencesSetup(): array
      return [


We exemplify all the options to generate a sequence with the case of a payment document.

  • To start, we need a column to store the sequence, and for this we will use a column called number.

    public function sequencesSetup(): array
        return [ Serie::lineal('document_number') ];
  • Now that we have the column defined, we realize that we need to create a separate sequence for each type of document. For this problem, the library offers the possibility of adding an scope for the column.

    public function sequencesSetup(): array
        return [ 
    protected function type(): string
        return $this->payment_document_type;
  • Everything is fine, but now we want the sequences not to be saved in a numeric value, but instead to be a text string with a fixed length of 10.

    public function sequencesSetup(): array
        return [ 
  • Concluding, we could also say that we do not want to use the default table for sequences and we need a special table to store the payment sequences, for this you have to create your own sequence table.

    public function sequencesSetup(): array
        return [ 
                         fn(Wrap $wrap) => $wrap->column('document_number')->scope($this->type())->length(10))

    We can wrap a block of sequences using the class Vaened\Sequenceable\Wrap::create


To retrieve all the sequences of a model, you can use the Vaened\Sequenceable\Facades\Succession facade which is linked to the Vaened\Sequenceable\Succession class.

$collection = Succession::from(Document::class);

This returns an instance of Vaened\Sequenceable\SequenceCollection. With which you can do things like:

// return all sequences

// find sequence by name
$collection->find('document_number', 'invoice');


You can change the default sequence model of config\sequenceable.php in the model key.

return [    
    | Sequence Model
    | This key defines the base sequence model that will be used to generate the autoincrementable 
    | values, you can modify this key and define your own sequence model whenever 
    | you implement the SequenceContract interface or extend the base model
   'model' => \Vaened\Sequenceable\Model\Sequence::class,

Or explicitly specify the model you want to use with certain fields, you can achieve this from the configuration of the sequences in your model.

    public function sequencesSetup(): array
        return [ 
             Wrap::create(CustomSequence::class, function(Wrap $wrap): void {


if you already have a model to store your sequences, you need to implement the Vaened\Sequenceable\Contracts\SequenceContract interface, or extend the default model Vaened\Sequenceable\Model\Sequence.

In case you have your own sequence model, there are some fields that you should store in its sequence table:

  1. The column ID, and this is obtained by concatenating the column name and scope.
  2. The name of the table to which the sequence belongs.
  3. An integer type sequence.


To better exemplify this, we will use the default Sequence model.

This model comes with a default configuration.


The table structure has the required fields, you can see the migration in CreateSequencesTable

You can see another example of this in the test folder and look for the files CustomSequence.php and migrations/2017_04_23_200525_create_custom_sequences_table.php

More documentation

You can find a lot of comments within the source code as well as the tests located in the tests directory.